Friday, September 23, 2005

Patience And Perspective.

The mixing of the master for my new cd has been held up for the last while...and it's not clear how much longer it will be delayed. It's another occasion for me to go into my "Patience Mode". I've made it clear to the party in charge of the mixing
that I would like the job wrapped up soon...and now it's just letting it unfold for the next while without my spending a lot
of energy fussing about it. What has helped me to be calm about that I've so far not set any harsh dead lines about
when it is tø be launched etc. My over all life approach...these staying away from putting myself in ultra pressured
situations...wherever I can help it. In tests like the current one...this comes in handy. There is another factor I have to rise above...when I've put in a lot of work on a project...and its being delayed by the inaction of others. It is...having been exposed to the project for a protracted time...not wanting to see any more of it for a while...wanting it to be done with...not held in limbo...wanting to "put it to bed" as they you can move on to something else that you haven't been over exposed to. Something else that helps on these looking at the Bigger Picture...and noting the hardships other
human beings are going through in the Here and Now...that are...far beyond my current situation. Speaking of
thoughts are with my fellow human beings...south of where I am...bracing for Hurricane I look out to my mountains
...on a sunny tranquil day In September.....................Quester.


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