Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Spoken Word On The Web

Yesterday...I surprised myself...and figured out how to set things up so that I can post audio blogs...and did my first one. To those born with a computer keyboard at their finger tips...this is nothing...to me...its climbing Mount Everest one more time
...like every time I learn to do something new on my computer. Fortunately I chose
to have a poem at ready...to help this first time experience along...so...there wasn't
any sparkling wit...or dazzling improvisations on display...but in one "take"...as
they say in the recording studios...the job was done. It's good to know that this
additional mode of expression..is available to me...now...I have to decide how often
I will utilise it...and whether I'll bring my trusty guitar into the process...or even
sing. The audio post is done over the phone...playing guitar already uses two hands...
and a third one is not available...at this time. Also...I'm not sure how singing and
playing guitar will work over a telephone line...in terms of sound quality. Anyway...
much to be figured out and decided...but right now...I'm experiencing the liberation
I feel...every time I open up one more mode of expression. So...here's to some
"spoken word" on the web...and we'll see about the "singing words"...and the string
plucking...some time up ahead...............Quester.


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