Friday, February 24, 2006

Unsolicited Advice

Some years ago...I found myself inundated with advice I hadn't asked for...and
in my frustration with this...drew the sign shown on this page...framed it and
put it up in my home. People often forget that people are not asking for their advice...because they don't feel in need of it is given anyway...the
recipient feels intruded upon. My own feeling about
that this kind of advice is indeed cheap...and I often say..."you want advice from
me?...I have a room full of it given to me that's never been used...and I'd love to
pass it on to you". A least in your home...with the "zipped lips" logo...
and a message about not wanting unsolicited advice...may be just the ticket...when
the sensitivity of others around you fails...and you need to remind them their
advice is not needed...without even having to tell them so..........Quester.


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