Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Insistent Melody

With my picture making creative preoccupations recently...my melody making tendency...
had been neglected. This afternoon...a persistent melody...kept going through my head.
I attempted unsuccessfully to record it...until...I tried a new piece of recording soft ware...that came with others...recently acquired...but so far,,,had not been utilised. It actually worked...and so...today...there's a new melody...to join the thousands that have already been made...many not yet having been turned into songs. Why bother to do a new one then?...to exercise the melody making potential I have been given...regardless of the outcome of making a new one. I do feel that exercising our creative potentials...in and of itself...is...a healthy thing to do...a parallel thing to jogging...or working out the body. I have a sense...that this most recent melody...may end up jumping the cue...and bloom into a song...in the not too distant future. We shall see..............Quester.


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