Thursday, September 28, 2006

Life With The Television Off

Once wrote a poem called "Night with the television off"...just like right now.
Not too long ago...I cancelled my cable television...then after about nine months...
activated it...mainly for the hockey games...and other occasional program I like.
Letting it go...on the one always an option. Bringing it back something you can always find reasons for. As a friend of mine used to say..."its a
Catch 23 situation". One of the reasons for having it checking out the news...which I have been in the habit of doing...via news papers...whether I have television...or not. There is a dissonance making aspect that I experience when looking at television sometimes. At times I wonder if it has to do with the metallic edge of the actual sound...but at other times it's clear to me...that it is the crassness of some television commercials...and the overall "saccharine for the camera" approach of so many televison personalities and pitch men and women. There are nights when I surf to see if I can find something that has an authentic ring to it. Sometimes I do...a lot of the time I don't. I have been on-goingly developing my life with the television off...especially in creating things. Perhaps some time up ahead I'll be ready "let my cable go"................Quester.


At 1:09 PM , Blogger pralinanmi said...

As one who has been cable less at choice..for some years I can relate to your internal debate. Mine usually ends with popping a dvd in and watching a good movie.....


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