Monday, June 16, 2008

Tabla Rasa Waiting

The cursor at the top of my page is throbbing...awaiting the first word on this page
this morning. Oh yes...the challenge of a blank page before you...tabla rasa waiting.
[Think i just got myself the title for this piece!]. I also keep a more or less daily
long hand journal...which has given me a lot of practice facing blank pages. The
difference between that and an online that kind of "for your
eyes only" online for all the world or no one to read. I could say a
lot about how keeping a private journal has benefited me...but I'll keep that for another time...this page is calling for a rounding out. Perhaps one thing a person facing the blank page challenge should always that whoever you may be...
you are sitting before it...carrying a wealth of life experience and information in you ...and it's only a matter of reaffirming that...then starting in...and something will come out of your efforts...even though it might only be some barely coherent thoughts...with the sunshine outside your window...vying for your skittering attention. And that was how...he managed to complete his morning blog entry..."Tabla Rasa Waiting"............................Quester.


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