Friday, September 26, 2008

Muting The Spinners

Sometimes...I get very tired of the adversarial approaches to many aspects of the way
we conduct our lives...and even the systems we have developed over centuries...that
enshrine...human beings taking sides...and fighting with each other. Our political
systems...are prime examples...of "institutionalized againstness" being to the fore.
Political campaigns in full spate right not present a fine example of human
beings performing at their noble best. Instead...they offer daily doses...of one side
blaming the other for everything under the sun. Just once...instead...I'd like to hear one side congratulate the other...when it is warranted...on a job well done. This selecting our leaders...and governance...has...among other things...
bred a whole breed of professional "spinners"...who take any issue that
spin it in favour of the politician...they want to get elected. Sometimes...I marvel
at how a spinner...can sit there...usually with the recommended sacharine and
insincere smile...and to paraphrase a term currently much in use...and causing some spin of its own...set about putting lip stick...on the pig of their choice. At these
times...I have found my own this sometimes intelligence insulting game
that goes on on our tv screens. I look at "political" programs now...with my tv
remote in my hand...and just as some notorious about to start doing his
or her thing...I click "mute". When that person's turn is done...I click the sound
back on. Yes...this exercising of your democratic rights...can be a thing of beauty


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