Monday, September 22, 2008

Sidewalk People

Today's photo...soft focus and all...may be an example of...a picture being worth a
thousand words. Camera in hand...I was about to step into a thrift store when I glimpsed the person sitting on the sidewalk...and clicked...before stepping into the
store. Perhaps that's what we do most of the time anyway. The poor sidewalk people...
begging for change...of the "spare" variety that is...are ever present in the
downtown core of my city. Once in a while...I stop and give something...but over the
years...I too...have learnt to put my blinkers in place...before shifting by them.
Always leaves me with a dissonant feeling. The argument that you couldn't
possibly stop for every one of them. Whatever the case may be...something in you shouldn't be this way for some. Maybe there'll come a time...when there
will be no more out stretched hands...or plaintive calls for "spare change"...because
a way is finally found to help people...before the sidewalk becomes their home.......


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