Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogging About Blogging

Today's picture is of a detail from around the main door of a school in East Vancouver.
Today's my one thousand and sixty first post on my Blog. Who would have
thought when I first started blogging that I'd ever arrive at this point?. I think
what it what I call..."The Law of Things Accruing...i.e. anything
you keep returning to...and delivering on...will add up to over a period of time.
As for what it is that has accrued...with my Blog since I started it...who knows?.
Who knows...which entries I would keep...and which ones I would leave behind...if I
were going through them all with an editor's eye. I'd better not speculate too much on
that. Instead...let me see...what aspects of it all...I can look upon affirmatively...
without going over the top. Blogging has certainly helped "keep my hand in"...
as someone who likes to write...although as can be seen on this punctuation
has long strayed...from stuff I learnt in school about it. My excuse there
long as what I say is understood...that for me is the main consideration. Perhaps...
it has helped my improvisational skills...a lot of the today...starting
out with a blank page...not having any idea of what I'll be writing about...until
I start into it. I know...I've ended up writing about subjects...I never dreamt I'd
write about...and I feel good about this "extending of my expressive horizons".
One thing I've learnt about not attempting to be "comprehensive" in
what I say. Today's entry is another example of that...and leads me into signing
off...until another day...when I may end up blogging about blogging........


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