Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Comment Moderation"

There is a feature that some time ago...I deployed on this Blog. It is called "comment
moderation". It wasn't done to interfere with people's legitimate comments. It was an
effort to stop its tracks...before it got on to my Blog. I was hoping that
it wouldn't inhibit people making adding another layer to this process. my e-mail...I saw 5 or 6 e-mail titles...relating to comments to this Blog...that...for a moment made me wonder...if a whole bunch of new people...had
discovered it. I then started checking the contents...of each "comment". It didn't take long for me to twig...that these weren't comments at all...but an attempt to advertise some products on my Blog. I felt like a home owner holding an AK47 in his hands ...who welcomes a burglar through his midnight. You see...any
"comment" that comes towards my sent to me decide whether it is
to be published...or not. This is something I wouldn't be interested in doing...if
it were not for using it to stop spam. Anyway...I finally had evidence...that
"comment moderation" stop I am not about to bring any of that
stuff...which I don't respect...into my Blog...if I have any choice in the matter.
Looks like I actually do...................Quester.


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