Friday, February 13, 2009

Through Thick And Thin Times

Today...I have to remind spoilt you can get as a creative artist...with an online channel...or more...on which to showcase your creations. For can write a song in the morning...record it on your home video equipment...and by that
same afternoon...have some one in Romania...or Japan...or Slovakia...looking at it.
The majority of the far...since I've had my YouTube channel...there have
been affirmative comments...coming in. You can get so that you begin to expect that
to happen every day...and if a day or two goes by without those strokes...begin to get
grumpy. At such times...I make myself for decades...before the online
revolution...that myself and millions of others have been the beneficiaries of...I
sat down...again and again...and tried to conjure up...a song or a poem...without any
guarantee that anyone...anywhere might hear or see it...or if I were might
appear on an album...a year or more after I'd written it. I kept on doing my creative
artist's work...year after year...until in 2005...I became a Blogger...and in 2007...
began to upload my videos to YouTube...having survived as a creative artist...until
I met up with the age of the internet revolution. With that tough kind of schooling
...I have to remind myself...that any doldrums that come the way of my videos online
...if they nothing compared to the degree of difficulty I've already survived
...and I should try not to get spoilt...from the many affirmative responses I've
received since being online.'s to keepin' on...through the thick and the
thin times................................Quester.


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