Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Pleasant Problem

As I looked through some cd's just now...trying to find a song I want to turn
into a video...and couldn't find it...I had what I call..."the dark forset"
feeling...the forest being the work you wish to do...still ahead of you...and
that...looming large. I had to immediately tell myself...wait a minute...don't
forget all the videos of your work you've made since the start of
are making progress...just keep at it...making one video at a time...and one day
you'll have all the songs or pieces of your work you want to turn to videos...
done. I then reminded fortunate I have ongoingly made videos
for over two and a half years...and still have many more...songs ones especially be done. I then told just be thankful I'm in this position...
and not for a moment...ger "dark" about it. may be wet and gloomy
outside today...but I do have much to be thankful for...with the "dark forest"
being more than evidence of some of the work I've alreay done.....


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