Monday, October 19, 2009

Tribute To A Violin Maestro

Listening to some of my song videos on YouTube this morning...I couldn't help but the gifts of brilliant technology we have been given in recent times
...that are now available to bring us closer together...and share so many different kinds of human expression...sometimes even the gifts of those who have long departed
this Earth. In this video...Ojibway Star..I hear once again the mesmerizing wail of
Al Czerny's...[hope I'm spelling his name correctly]...time bridging violin...
sending out it's haunting notes...over the gulf of thirty years passing. I remember
giving to him...a hummed melody...of the part I wished to be between
the parts of this song I would sing...shortly before we recorded it...never dreaming
he would transmute it into such a heart felt wail. I hope the word of mouth news I heard some years ago that Al had passed on...was only a rumour...and he is still
with us...but wherever he may be...his music lives on...not only in this song...but
in many other places............Quester.


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