Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Creative Burst

Earlier today I experienced a surge of creativity that was very satisfying to me.
It is the kind of thing that loses every thing in telling about it to another...
or...for that writing about it on a blog. It's like trying to tell someone about something that was very funny to the time...but having to finally give up...lamely saying..." had to be there at the time" to appreciate it. me it was one of those times in my life...especially as a booster of creativity...I know that I am not just talking about it...but am really living it. One of my least favourite things in when people talk about creativity...but don't actually live it on an ongoing basis...of times allowing time to letting the creative field in you...lie fallow for a that you can return to it...when it is refreshed from rest. We are all potentially creative...but it is the exercise of this potential...that really matters...and is actually what "being creative" means. I've created melodies...songs...poems...prose pieces...and pictures for a long a strange...or not so strange is when I "get creative" in
dealing with some every day challenge...that I tend to get most tickled about it...
like the time in Northern British Columbia when I went to a bank to cash a cheque I'd
just received from touring in the schools there...and was short one piece of ID...
and convinced the teller that a vinyl album of mine...with my picture on the cover was the additional piece of ID she needed. Anyway...back to was the day...when I invented the "Third Arm" I order to do audio posts on the
telephone. I won't be abla to go into details right now...after all it hasn't been
"patented" has not yet been tested with my doing something
else with my other two hands...when I use just feels good!...


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