I usually sign off my e-mails with the word..."Peace". Some who receive this sign off...might think..."I see he's still stuck in the sixties". That wouldn't quite do
justice to why I close off on that note. Some years ago...long after the sixties...I
came across the notion..."let peace begin with me". I reflected on it...and saw that
it was a message that made sense to me. How can you go around talking about World Peace and going to marches about that...if in your personal life you were a "spreader of war" the way you interacted with others?. If you were serious about wanting peace in the had to start with had to become an emmissary for peace. Realizing meant...that I had to change the energy I put out...when I interacted with friends and strangers. There had been times previously...for instance
...when I was like a storm I got on to a bus. It was...therefore...not a
surprise...that during the time I was doing that...I had a run in or two with bus
drivers. With my new peace insight...I could now I had contributed to those
dissonant past events. As I started to get on buses...consciously bringing whatever sweetness there was in the fore...I began to notice how my bus driver interfaces...began to become...usually...a pleasant experience. This area of change in my life...has benefited me ever since...with many a beautiful...spontaneous experience. there any other way to sign off now...than to leave you...with a resounding....."Peace"!.
Dear Quester: Something similar happened to me; I wanted to change people around me without realizing that the change had to start with me. It took me years to realize it but once I had conciously done it everything around me started to change positively and so grateful for that. Hugs, love and yes peace, always.♪☺☻♥♪
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