Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thanks For Aesop

As a school boy in Guyana...South America...I was exposed to...among other pieces of information from distant countries and cultures...Aesop's Fables. The one I remember
most is about the dog...with a bone in his mouth...who walks up to a clear deep pond...looks into it...and sees this other dog...also with a bone in his mouth. Greedily he snaps at the other bone. As he does so...his mouth flies open...and the bone he was carrying...launches itself into the pond. He...of course...was only looking at his reflection!. Now...instead of having one bone in his possession...he has none. The wisdom in this story has helped me many a time...especially since I've been putting my videos on YouTube...which has been a wonderful adventure. One of the things you better get used to when you put your videos that there are always other videos that are going to have a lot more views than any of yours. I remember once noticing how a six year old...singing "Over the rainbow"...had over 6 million views...while one of my best songs...had 60!. When this kind of thing comes up...I remember the story of the dog who lost the bone in his allowing himself to be affected by what the other dog had. I remember...that if I concern myself with how well others seem to be doing...unerringly it'll take me away...from all the fantastic things I've experienced since I've been on YouTube. Old Aesop...who likely lived more than 2,000 years ago...helps he must have helped countless keep my centre...when the green eyed monster...or some of the others we humans are prone to conjuring up...attempt to steal away our peace of mind. Long live Aesop...and the other wise guys...and girls...who have passed their wisdom down to us!..............Quester.


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