Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sleep On It

Yesterday afternoon...I went through all the steps needed...and completed the making of a video...ostensibly for upload to YouTube. I have what I call my "big picture" approach to making videos. Part of that...is after you've made a video...and you've
played it back a time or two...if anything about it is bothering you...do another version of it. The "big picture" aspect of this...is that you want to make and upload
videos you feel good about...and so...you shouldn't look upon doing a video over as a
nuisance...but as part and parcel of your quality control over what you do. Another
wing to this approach...has to do with the old admonition we heard from our parents and grand parents..."if you're not sure...sleep on it". The video I made yesterday...was one I "slept on". It was a talk video about something that has recently been a nuisance to me. Overnight...it came to me that maybe...this was one I shouldn't upload...as it might simply turn out to be a generator of dissonance...an i
am someone who tries to create peace instead of dissonance in his daily life...although I may deliver on it very imperfectly. Looking at the big picture to do with the energy I put into making it...which might have been for nought...I can see I have still benefited from the experience of having done it. With it...I've found a new and interesting scene...and camera angle...from which to make future videos. So...all was not lost...and overall it was a reminder to..."when in doubt...sleep on it!"......


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