Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Journal...An Always Available Friend

Three days I started writing in a brand new long hand journal...I reflect on the act of journalling I was engaged in. I was reminded
...that I first started doing this...fifteen years ago!. No wonder it has become
a well ingrained...more or less...daily habit. When I first started...I had to
be really tough with put down something in my journal pages...on a
regular basis. was not yet a habit...but a new adventure in writing...
about events in my daily life. I had previously done some of that... note books...but not with the notion of making it a daily
part of my life. I have missed a few days...making entries in my "daily" journal
...when other events in my life...have taken away the focus and time...needed to
do it...but I still think I can call it "daily"...because it is now an integral
part of my life...where I tend to catch up...if I've missed a and
there. Daily journalling has benefited my life in many ways...which I won't get
into describing in today's post. So much so...that I was moved a few years back make a share with others...the benefits...and other aspects of
daily journalling. Among many other always
available friend...I can discuss anything with...who lets me have my say...
without interuption..................Quester.


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