Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Wish List To Marakakore

I've used my after lunch time today...searching to find a way...to link this blog...
to my marakakore YouTube channel. For some people...this is simple stuff. For me...so
far...not so. It's like going on a safari into a deep jungle. Who knows why it's like that?. Perhaps...it goes back to growing up...on the banks of a river...in the
country side of Guyana...where the technology was simple...relative to how it is these
days. I'd like to think I've gotten over any hangovers from that...but...who knows?.
Although it offers itself sometimes...I've dismissed the conspiracy theory...that
digital technology...has it in for me...although...sometimes...there seems to be strong evidence...that's not the case. Just as I did in high school...when frontal approaches to problems didn't work for me...looking for ways of "working around" to a solution...today...I finally found one...for linking this blog to my marakakore channel. It does involve two clicks...though I know the holy grail in cyberspace...is one click...but I hope my viewers don't mind the added exertion. The path to my marakakore channel...is shown at the top right of my page...right under my photo...with the second click happening...on "Wish List". Works for me...after all it's been my wish for a long time...to get this done!....................Quester.


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