Friday, October 02, 2009

Two For Ones

About a week a thrift store...I bought a ukelele. It was at a very
low price...for a good looking little instrument. I have a motley collection of
musical instruments I've collected over the years. For me...they are not
usually be hung on my walls...but...with a little be
played...if I can ever figure out how to do so. Since I've been making videos
of my music...there is also a chance...that at some point...I might be able to
bring a member of the collection...into a video. So far...rattle...hand drum...
djembe...a little key board...which has recently gone a.w.o.l...and at least
two of my guitars have been video validated. There are a few others that lie in
waiting for a promotion up ahead. Who knows...the "new kid on the block"...might
at some one of them. But there is another contribution...a few of
these instruments might make to my life. I call it...getting..."two for ones".
Let me explain. Perhaps it may be vestiges of Victorian influences...still at
work in my life...but I've felt for some time...some times at least...I shouldn't
just sit transfixed by images and sounds from my television set...but find
something else to do...while I'm doing that. So far...knitting eludes
the second thing I do during my television time...but I'm happy to report...that
within easy reach of where I sit in front of the television...there are two amplified...a ceramic djembe [drum]...with the possibility of
bringing tambourine and rattle into the folds of my tv watching companions...
and over the last little "brown buddy" thrift store ukelele!.
I look forward to experiencing future "two for ones"...with them all........


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