Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wishing Buskers Of The World Well

No...the busker in the picture is not me. I've never busked in my life...although I
rsspect and salute those who do. I've never done it...because especially in my early
years of singing in bars and bistros...I got to experience first hand...what seems to be widely accepted in our world...but to nothing less than artist abuse. By that I it is to be offering something to the world that comes from deep inside you...while people are chattering constantly...walking in front of you...and waiters or waitresses...are calling out orders. When...early on...I was at the receiving end of way I would describe it was like many little hands were slapping me in the face. I shudder as I think of it now...and wonder how back then...I endured any of it. What baffles me when this happens in performance that I marvel at the insensitivity of the people who let it happen in their venues...and those who engage in it. When it came to busking...I wasn't going to ask for...the indifference and obliviousness...that often thrives around buskers...or
having coins tossed at me...not to mention the loud traffic going by. No thanks...I
wasn't going to expose myself to that. Despite that...I do respect the fortitude and
endurance of those who engage in it. I wish the buskers of the world well............


At 4:01 AM , Anonymous Michelle said...

I agree - I think buskers are amazing in their endurance, and I hate it when people talk over somebody's performance at a venue. You might find this blog of a busker who plays the musical saw in the New York City subway interesting - she tells what happens when she plays in the subway:


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