Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Afternoon In The Gardens

Visited Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver yesterday afternoon. Was surprised to find that
almost all of the larger flowering trees were not yet blossoming. This underlines for
me that it has been one of the coldest early springs that I've experienced on the West
Coast for quite a while. Fortunately there were a lot of the smaller flowering plants
blooming...and I ended up taking a lot of video of them...along with some of turtles
...patterns of rippling water...and reflections of trees and clouds. Among the many
bird sounds I heard...was the sound of a raven...causing me to conclude that raven
has a sweeter call than crow does...although it could be argued that anything does.
I came away uplifted by the beauty I'd experienced...even though full bloom had not yet come to the gardens..................Quester.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flowers. People, Hope

As I walk through my neighbourhood...at this time of year...I pass flowering plants and trees of all description...crocuses...daffodils...camelia and cherry...and many others I can't name. They are part of the celebration of the magical season of Spring. They also tell of human beings taking pains to help the blooming along...or to arrange different plants in sequences that delight the eye come Spring. In a world where there is much that can be crass or crude...seeing this appreciation of beauty by my fellow human beings...all around me...gives me hope...and I thank them for it..........Quester.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Post Disappearance

This will be a short entry. A few days ago I attempted to post a longish piece which
only disappeared when I clicked post. Perhaps those more cyber savvy than I am would
know how to make it reappear and try posting it again...but for me...I just ended up
letting it go. Let's see if this one works.............Quester.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Tempests In A Tea Pot

Have looked at more television recently than I usually do...the viewing increase coming likely...from looking at the U.S. primary elections. I think this time round...they are more interesting than in recent times. I can see...however...that despite this...if you look at television coverage of them too much...you could end up having "tempest in a tea pot" fatigue. Almost every day...there is one of these happening...as one candidate looks for inconsequential...or bordering on the irrelevant things...with which to attack another candidate. This is one of the reasons why I'm not enamoured with election year campaigns in the First World...with the intense tunnel vision of the supporters of one candidate or the other...and the repeated attempts by them to demonize each other...at times full of self righteous phoney indignation. Why has the ugliness become part and parcel of the elective process?. Perhaps...in the democratic process...it is the equivalent...of a trial by fire...never "friendly"...and sometimes phoney...that proves the metal of the one who survives it. Through it...so far...I've had many an occasion to smile...ironically...or otherwise...and have been left with the thought
that calls that come in at three o'clock in the morning...are best handled by an
answering machine...given that when you are awakened suddenly...your brain always
needs time to catch up...before it can become clear and decisive...and it would be foolish to make large decisions before it has............................Quester.