Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tourist Magnet

Among the pictures I took yesterday...up on the hill...were some of tourists taking seems...of anything that might make...for them...a good talking point
...when they got back home. Are the pictures taken in these situations...some sort of
status show the exotic places you've been to?. Who ultimately knows...
although you might hazard a guess or two. These three...are not tourists who
were fossilized forever...for taking too many predictable posed pictures. Actually...
there is a fourth member of this bronze batallion...he is standing next to where I
took this picture from. Can anyone guess what he is doing...he is taking a picture of
his three unmoving mates!. Yesterday...there were tourists coalescing around these
four...taking the cue of the frozen take more pictures of the other three...with one or two of their flesh and blood companions...inserted in the gaps
between the figures. I'm sure the sculptor who created these four figures...most
probably...had a sense of the ironies hovering around the four figures. I wonder if he or she dreamed of the number of tourists through the years...who would take pictures of his or her four long standing their homes far across the sea.....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Royal Birds

Today I went for a long walk...up a where there were beautiful glimpses of the city below. I took note of those with my camera...but...this day I wanted to
experience a touch of the tropics. So...I went into a place...that is sealed off from
the vagaries of Canadian weather...and for a little while wandered among tall palms
...banana trees...and flowers that I recognised...from a long time ago. It was a flash
of a brilliant mix of colours...that especially...caught my eye this day...which I honed in see two large and stately macaws...puttering about...among the
branches. It took me back to my childhood...where parrots...and sometimes...macawa...
were an integral part of the environment. Although I was aware of the imprisonment of
these two magnificent birds...they still took me a distant time of

Monday, May 29, 2006

Time Changes Things

Did my "walk for your lunch" thing earlier today. Couldn't help but notice...since I
last walked this things had changed along the way...although it hasn't
really been that long...since I went that way. The wall around the tennis court...
that a dog had passed his verdict on...while I was taking the pictures I saw on it...
with it's weathered-ness...the scratches adolescent or other vagrants had put there...and patterns formed by moss and lichen...that were great fodder for my camera...were now hidden forever...under a coat of turgid green paint...neatness once
more...triumphing over the art made by time and nature. Fortunately along the way...
there were a host of new flowers to be seen...replacing the ones I saw along there...
only seems...............Quester.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pictures From The Hood 2

What stories
these two could tell!...
I wished them well
as they went on their way...
Taking pictures of people you
may never see again...
helps you to take your blinders off...
and to be aware of their existence...
Pictures of "strangers"...
tell you...that they are not really that...
but members of the human family...
you are noticing...
for the first time...

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Keeping It Together the absence of dramatic material or social successes...people...sometimes
...may not give themselves credit...for something else that is very important. It
could be called..."keeping it together". It could be in the form of keeping the group
you belong to...usually family...together...while facing many difficulties...from
outside...or from...inside too. But "keeping it together" applies most importantly...
to living our own individual lives. The British have the expression..."going to seed" part of its meaning...has the element of...losing the grip you had on the
"reins of life" once held firmly in your hands. Sometimes the batterings of life
can do that to people. It may have even happened to a famous billionaire like Howard
Hughes. So...give yourself a star...if you've been "keeping it together"...through
your life takes a lot of courage and endurance to do is not an
automatic is a considerable achievement............Quester.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Pictures From The Hood


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pictures Where You Live

Earlier this evening...I did something I've been meaning to do for some time...and that take pictures...of things...scattered around my apartment. not a far fetched word to use here...sometimes they do get like that,,,as my home is a finite
space that I keep adding things to...not a recipe for museum-like symmetries to pertain. So...I did take some pictures...including the picture I've posted tonight...
and as I vaguely knew before I tried it...sometimes the results you get surprise you.
I did crop it...before posting it. I was thinking after I did that...if only I could
straighten out my easily as that...just a few clicks...and the floor is
vacuumed...everything around me makes beautiful lines...and there is no sign of
clutter anywhere. That is one of the great things about taking can hone
in...on only what makes harmonic sense to your eyes...and aesthetics...and leave
the disharmonic out...if that's the kind of picture you want. That way...I can see that my home is...actually...a treaure house of beautiful pictures just waiting to be taken......Quester.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Learning Through Obstacles

About two weeks ago I bought a dvd use it for making discs that would store
various pieces of my work as an artist. Achieving this goal has been elusive. For me
as somewhat of a novice when it comes to's been a time of frustration...
not to be able to utilise...this...and other new bought tools and software. When...some time ago...I asked a relative...half-jokingly...whether it was a conspiracy that causes me so much difficulty...with certain aspects of computerdom...he loftily replied..."it's innate knowledge that makes the's not a conspiracy". This evening...I am reminding myself that although one of my computer goals keeps on being blocked...that I musn't forget...that despite this central frustration...bit by bit I'm acquiring "innate knowledge" that is helping me with some of what I've come up against...that
this very...battering my head against a it sometimes seems...has caused me
in the last several learn many things...and to use some of the new tools
...that I've what is actually turning out to be...a great creative surge.'s to tomorrow...and finding ways to break through blocked places...
and may the beautiful creative groove I'm in...continue..........Quester.


Took this picture early this evening [Monday]. Within about eight minutes the
mountain peaks at the centre of this picture...were covered with clouds. Around then
I tried to post the picture on to my blog...but a connection couldn't be made.
I have learnt to respect...the impermanence of shifting clouds...or the way the sky
is lit...and if there are pictures to be taken...triggered by what I see...I know I
have to do it right away...not five minutes later. Our beautiful moments in life...
are like that be fully entered into...before they slip away. Clouds remind
me...of living in the moment............Quester.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pecking My Way To Patience

Spent several hours today...learning more about my new computer programs. I've
learnt a fair bit...with my "if this doesn't work...try that"...approach. However
some goals...using the computer...remain tantalizingly out of reach...although I'm
edging closer to I keep at it. Recently...I've solved several conumdrums
that offered I worked at the of them being a persistent
sign saying that my "disk" [that's the way they spell it]...was dangerously close to
being full. Since then I've been deleting files...and putting some on other "disks".
When this difficult phase at the over...I keep telling myself...I will
have learnt a lot...and finally find a get done...what I've been trying to
get done. I often say that using a a combimation of empowerment and
frustration. Lately the scales are tipping towards "frustration"...but I have to look
on that as being a great teacher of patience...and keep on "pecking away".......

Saturday, May 20, 2006

You Will Take Yourself With You

[Words from song Pacific Dream...

"You will take yourself with you...
No matter where you go...
The old ones used to say...
So long ago...
I'm not looking for a miracle...
To help me to take wing...
Just a place where I can hear...
The green Earth sing..."

Friday, May 19, 2006

Train Time

[Words from long ago written
song: Train Time]
"Train time...train time...
on my way to nowhere...
brand new clothes...
I've got an old...old...pain...
shoes to take me...everywhere..."

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Waves On A Shore

Last night...with two other artists...I visited a fellow poet...who is in the palliative care ward...of a local hospital. I gave my words of solidarity and support
...both arriving...and leaving. The rest of the time I didn't have much to say...
feeling...what is there really to a situation such as that. As I have for
some time...I continue to wish the hospitalized person...and her family,,,well.
Even on a short visit like that...many thoughts come into your
the daily life energy...that fuels every thing we human beings something to be
thankful for...and never to be taken for granted. It is not an automatic is a so much else we have been given. I reflect further...I think
of how we are like...waves on a shore............Quester.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Widget Says 65 Degrees

The widget on my computer says...[never thought I'd ever be using the word "widget"...
but learn something every day]'s going to be 65 degrees in Vancouver today...i.e.
warm like yesterday I'm going to head down to the water...and for a walk
through,,,tall trees. It's turned to summer early...and we'll
see how long it lasts. In the's time to dress light...and enjoy......

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cool Colours Calling

"Hot day done...
Cool colours calling...
No time for heavy striving now...
Time to rest the mind...
Ease the pushing of the envelope...
Evening echoes the heat of the day...
let yourself head for...
the cool colours calling...
Now the hot day is done..."

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pacific Dream

Words from song: Pacific Dream
CD: Twilight Rambler...Copyright-SOCAN
"There's a place I know somewhere...
Where the mountains paint the air...
As the boats of afternoon...
Sail out to see...
I've been so long...
On the flatlands of my life...
I think I see...
A new Pacific day...
Waiting for me..."

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Pow Wow Time

Went to an indoor pow wow in Vancouver today.Met one or two old acquaintances and chatted...heard the drums again...and the traditional had been a while since I did. Came home with much to process from the experience. I may return
tomorrow. The weather was glorious today and likely will be we'll see
whether the outdoors or indoors...wins...........Quester.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Not Speaking Too Soon

With several new tools acquired's been a time of heightened creativity
for me. I am not going to be too this time...about the
areas of creativity I am involved due course I will tell about this particular chapter in my life. One aspect of it...I will how...regardless
of how I may be feeling physically...I arise each new day with a feeling of anticipation...for what further knowledge...I may acquire...of my new tools...and what
I may create...or start into...with them. There is much to say about...the way my
creative currently on a surge...and I'm saying some of it in my long hand
daily journal. In time I will evaluate what I have in there...and some of it may find
it's way into posts on my blog. Sorry to sound so mysterious...but there are times in
life...when it may be actually wise...not to speak too soon...and I sense this may be
one of them.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gone Goslings

Walking from Granville Island to Vanier Park...a few days ago...I came upon this
pleasant and surprising sight...of Canada geese and goslings. A pug nosed dog...full
of insensitivity...came close as he could to the edge of the water...
causing the geese to the invasion of their tranquility...and to send out
their own sounds of outrage. Quick as a flash...each of the two adult geese...took up
a position on each side of the floating chicks...with their necks...usually slender...flowing parts of their cocked at right can be seen in the picture. The dog and its owner...soon departed...causing the long necks to soon become uncocked...and...after a while...I too went my way. Yesterday...I returned to check up on the goslings' progress...but they were nowhere to be seen...on the patch of water where they had previously been...several geese...and gulls who were squabbling...without needing the help of a dog...were present...but no appealing pieces of moving fluff...on the water. Given they were so young...I keep wondering...where they could have gone...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Totem Pole Of Kitsilano

[Words from song Totem Pole of Kitsilano
from cd People of the Salmon...Copyright SOCAN]
"Totem Pole of Kitsilano...
You're circled by the city war...
Still you stand so straight and tall...
Under the evening star..."

Monday, May 08, 2006

Natural Creative Processes

One of the results of my "seeing pictures everywhere" these I've become aware
of how the appearance of things left out in the weather...can change. Twice now...I've
become aware of the effect of rain...on coloured posters on lamp posts...or public walls...with the jewel making capacity...of condensation...overnight...on such a surface...added. Today's from the second of the two occasions...when I encountered this process...leaving its mark...on things made out of colour and paper...left outside. For good measure...I added my own bit of "weathering" the last such "inverting" it. Here's to natural...and human...creative processes.................Quester.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Eagle Flies

[Words from song: The Eagle Flies from cd
People of the Salmon...Copyright SOCAN]
"The eagle flies...
where no one else will go...
the better to see...
the green land down below...
The gull and crow...
they try to bring him down...
he only dips his wings...
to turn them round...
His talons...
he's no need to use today...
weary wings will soon take them away..."

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Heart Of A City

A few weeks ago someone was rhapsodizing about the cities in Europe...and how they have
a heart place that people can go to...and mingle...and see and be seen. I didn't have
much of a quarrel with that...but then this person on some kind of roll...went on to
say...that Vancouver didn't have a heart place. I usually let people rattle on in my
presence...having more or less...overcome my own talk compulsion...but at this juncture in the monologue...I heard my voice saying..."English Bay/Stanley Park" the heart place of Vancouver". Not much more was said that day about heart places...and the place
I spoke where I continue to head for...when I'm in need of centering...or being
comforted. That sure sounds like a heart least to me.........Quester.

Friday, May 05, 2006


[ picture refused to get delivered to my blog...causing the absence of a post]. Went to a part of haven't been to recently. I had forgotten that they fly kites in Vanier Park...and my heart leaped when I spotted the first one today. Kites...take me back to childhood quicker than most anything else. We used to painstakingly get our pieces of kite paper...sticks for the frame...glue...sometimes in the form of a berry...called "clamma cherry"...and what ever else was needed...then patiently...assemble our "box" kites...then we would hurry to a place with not too many large trees obstructing the flying lanes...and with one end of our ball of string...strongly secured to our masterpiece...start coaxing our paper bird up in the air. the countryside of Guyana...flying a kite was one of the most looked forward to events in our young lives. Some of the more competitive boys on the river...would attach razor blades to their kite tails ...the better to chop at the sole support of someone else's kite...who had the same felonious intent. This is one boyhood "sin" I never had to confess to...just feeling my kite tug at the string in my hand...watching its many colours light up the sky...and its sinuous in the tropical sky...was enough for me. Those were the days...............Quester.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Between The Lines

Today...the sky has been blue...and the temperature warm. Among other things...I've
been processing...some lovely moments experienced at a poetry reading...last night.
It's not the poetry itself I'm talking about...but the exchanges that happened before
and after...with some people I've grown to like...over the last few years. Have
recognised...for some years beneficial it can all involved...when
human beings who like each and interact. The affirmative effect on our lives...seems to go...beyond the words that were often comes..."between the
lines" could the life affirming energy charge...that flows...from one
person to the other...uplifting all...who are "in the flow"............Quester.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Day To Dance

[Words from song: Last Day of July...
from cd; Autumn Moon...Copyright-SOCAN].
"Time to wander slowly...
through the streets and markets...
by the water...through the cool of trees...
gently holding hands...bare foot in the sand...
or...just you...just learning how to be...
as you lie by the sea...
This is no time to stop and cry...
This is no time to wonder why...
This is as good as it will get...
A day to dance...and to forget..."

Monday, May 01, 2006


After overcoming several obstacles over the last two weeks...I now have several goodies
installed in my computer. The last two days I've been totally absorbed in figuring out
what new functions and options are available to me...and how to activate them. This is
probably the toughest part of my learning curve...but already I've learnt a thing or
two about modifying pictures. Today's picture...was published previously...along with
a post about my cd launch...but probably is not recognisable...because of the new
found digital wizardry I've unleashed on it. Here's to many more "unleashings" the
days and weeks to come..................Quester.