Flowers Yes...Snow No
Day before yesterday...I took a walk across one of the corners of my neighbourhood...
and wss cheered by the flowers and buddings I saw...once again giving me evidence...
for my notion that spring starts on the West Coast of January. Of course the days go by...with no blossoms and buds begin to pop...a sliver of
aprehension...about what effect...this snow scarcity...will have on the Winter Olympics
out in the air. My impression is that a strong Plan B was put into place...
a long time I think it will all work out. I smiled yesterday...when I saw on
the tv news...that a manual of over a hundred pages...had been issued...about putting..."our best face forward"...for those soon to be interacting with visiting dignitaries etc. I've never been too high on any human activities...that take us away from living...from our authentic selves...but I suppose...this manual was made by those dedicated to making the Winter Olympics here...a fine and memorable experience...for visitors. In tne of my favourite times on the West Coast...early beginning to my walks...with camera in hand...are about to become more and more I look out for signs of spring coming in...west of the Rockies...............................Quester.