Some time ago...on this blog...I hinted at something I was working on...but didn't give any
details. "Now it can be told". Last year I made
five short videos...two of them involving songs
of mine. This was in keeping with my "creative
artist's attitude"...one aspect of which...is to be
always open to new creative frontiers. It is an
attitude...that has moved me as an artist...
through improvising melodies on my guitar...
then making full blown songs from these melodies...to "turgid beginnings" venturing into poetry...into...creating poems...I felt good about...then...painting pictures with acrylics on canvas...then making walking sticks and drift wood sculptures...then daily journalling...giving me good practice as a prose writer...then starting this blog...making digital pictures on my computer...acquired four and a half years ago...then just over a year ago acquiring a digital camera...and modiying pictures I took with it...then...discovering it also had a video option ...starting to make videos on it. In January 2007...I began to hear about YouTube...this online site...that people uploaded all sorts of videos to. In the wee hours of March 6th...feeling I was taking a complete shot in the dark...I uploaded a video I had created a few months before...around my most requested song over many years..."Pretty Brown". There is much more to tell about this experience...perhaps I will do so in future installments of the "Pretty Brown" saga..........................................Quester.