Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Melodies...A Pleasant Problem

Today I started auditioning tapes I've rediscovered...with melodies and songs I'd created in the past. I found myself listening again...to melodies...I'd forgotten I'd
created. It's amazing how little you can recall of what you've created...especially
with melodies. With songs...their titles and words...help you to remember most of them...with no such help...your melodies can vanish from your memory. Hence the importance of making master tapes of your melodies...noting which ones would be good candidates for becoming songs...and any other helpful information. For me...listening to melodies of mine...is a hopeful thing...reminding me of the thousands of them I've created. It is also a reminder of all those songs...I have melodies for...but have not yet been written. All in all...a pleasant problem to have.................Quester.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Chi Cheemaun

[Words from my song: "Chi Cheemaun"-Copyright-SOCAN. Video now on YouTube}.
"We the Odawa travel far...
That's how it's been for long.,..
Our travels on fresh water seas...
Have helped to keep us strong...
Our Chi Cheemaun is our water home...
Our brother breathing upon the waves...
While we know the ways of the water roads...
Our people won't be slaves".................

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camera Pointed At The Sun

Today's picture was taken at an outdoor singing gathering I sang at nearly two weeks ago. Before digital cameras...one of the big no-no's...was that you didn't point your
camera in the direction of the sun. I've discovered that with my digital camera...I
can do just that...and get some interesting pictures. I think...today's picture...is an
example of that...with the camera pointed at the powerful gleam of the sun off the


Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Cassette Tape Inundation

Writing in my daily journal yesterday...it ocurred to me...that I have been accumulating cassette tapes in my home for decades...but unless it was a broken tape...I have never thrown out one. This...of course...accounts for why I've experienced an inundation of cassette tapes for many years. When I think I've accounted for all of them...there are always additional boxes or bags of them that turn up. Now,,,as I work through my "Big Clearing Up"...I'm going to finally have to deal with my cassette tape situation. The first layer of this...is looking to be...putting them in two piles ...one containing my work tapes...with songs...poems...melodies... and any other created work..and ones of projects of mine. The other pile...will be for all the other tapes. I am considering for the first time ever...breaking a taboo of mine...which is you never throw out a cassette tape that's working. This is one of the mental/emotional breakthroughs I have to make...if I'm ever going to really minimalize ...the possessions that surround me in my home. Wish me well in my clearing up breakthroughs.....................Quester.

Friday, June 26, 2009

All Is Not Lost

[Words from my song: "All Is Not Lost"-Copyright-SOCAN. Video on YouTube].
"When wounds have been many
and victories few...
The feeling can grow...
It's all over for you...
But the sweet gift of life...
With you still...each new dawn..
Is reason to rise...
Give your thanks and go on...
All is not lost...
Though that's how you may feel...
Creation goes on
and sweet love is still real"...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Video Quality Control

Last night...for the second time...I focussed on redoing a video...I'd first made
about two years ago. It was first made...in my early days of making videos...when I
wasn't versed in all the options that were available...as I edited a video. Perhaps...
I wasn't as subtle as I'd usually like to be in the choosing of the effects I did use.
In the first version of this video...I appear to be suffering from a terrible red rash
...I saw...once I had time to reflect on what it is I had done. Fortunately...I never
uploaded this version...but put it on my list of ones to redo. I suppose...I have my
own form of "organic quality control"..."things organic"...tend to take time to unfold. Early on...there were a few ones that slipped through that...and were uploaded. As my knowledge of video making...although incomplete...has increased from doing a lot of it...I think that I can say...my "quality control" has gotten better. Every time I catch up with one of the videos I made...on my "to redo" list...and finally get it redone...I get a good feeling...that the redone video is now a good representative of my work. Here's to my "video quality control"...working better and better................Quester.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Triggers Everywhere

If you keep open...you can receive triggers of many kinds...from what's around you...
for writing a song or poem. Once...in the winter...walking in an alleyway...I saw an
old ragdoll...partially covered by snow and the muck of winter. It caused me to go
home and write the song..."Like A Broken Doll". Here are some of the words:
"Like a broken doll...
On a winter street...
Forgotten by a spoilt
and careless child...
I find myself...
A man alone...
Where only yesterday
we danced and smiled...
Your silky voice...
Still on my mind...
My body still on fire
from your touch...
Are there winners...losers...
only...in a game...
That some call love...
Who know no better name?"...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lake Of The Eagles Revisited

[Words from my song "Lake of the Eagles"-Copyright-SOCAN. Video on YouTube].
"Let your mind ride...
Up to the clear blue sky...
And hear the story
they're telling there...
Of the Time of the Drum...
And the ancient heroes...
And the cedar burning sweet
on the evening air...
And the wind and the water...
Speak softly the Ojibway way...
For the Lake of the Eagles...
Still lives on to this day"...

Monday, June 22, 2009

When My Guitar Playing Really Works

I look upon making songs...as the central thing...I've done as an artist. Many comments on my YouTube channel...are about someone responding to a specific song of mine. I am appreciative of the overwhelming percentage of affirmative comments that come in. Sometimes...some people send in a comment re the "voice". When it comes to the "voice" ...I've always felt...it is mainly something I inherited from those who went before. This morning...there was a comment of appreciation...for my guitar playing on a certain song. It is a piece of guitar accompaniment...that I feel specially good about....because I think...its sound is really in harmony with what the song is about. It's somewhat strange...given the long apprenticeship I put in over many years...reaching to make my songs better...that it is a piece of guitar playing...that really came off ...that tickles me in a special way...and if someone else notices it too...that certainly amplifies "the tickling". Here's to future
"ticklings"...as I continue to play my trusty guitar...............Quester.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Earth And Sun And Sky

[Words from song: "Earth And Sun And Sky"-Copyright-SOCAN].
"The morning snow falls softly...
On the still sleeping land...
The time of resting once again...
So the Earth can go on...
And the new corn can grow...
Through the cool rain of May...
Through each warm summer's day...
Turning gold...
Can't you feel the power...
Of Earth and Sun and Sky...
Moving all together...
As your moments fly"...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Neda...Dying For Freedom

Tonight...I want to honour...Neda...sixteen years old Iranian young woman...who was
struck down...by those who want to stop many human rights from coming to the people
of Iran...along with others who have been killed or brutalized...while marching in
support of their human freedoms. My thoughts are with them tonight...along with the
thoughts...and prayers...of millions across the world...who sympathize with what the
marchers in Iran...are risking their lives for. Blessings on Neda and the others who
have fallen...and may their struggle result in freedom coming to their land.........

Friday, June 19, 2009

An Appreciation Of Simple Things

The thing I like least possibly...about the first two days of a cold...is the way it
stops me from doing things...I otherwise would be doing. My approach is to go to ground during this time...the better to get it over with...as quickly as possible...rather than by exerting myself too much...making things worse. Something as simple as not having my daily walk...or two...as with yesterday and today...is something I really miss. Perhaps...I should harness the things I miss out on...during these times...to help me appreciate even more...the simple things I'm able to do...when I'm not grounded. I look forward to resuming walks...and other things I've taken a holiday from for two days...and if I get lucky...I might yet be able to attend that party...I've been invited to...tomorrow night..................Quester.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Grounded Today

No trips out into the world for me today...I'm grounded with a cold. Although I'm
tempted to resume work on various things at home...perhaps today is a good day to
just lie low...listen to music...and be a bit more passive than usual. For me...that's
the best way to get a cold over with in a shorter time than you would if you were
extending yourself. So...I'm off to listen to some music...............Quester.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Past Letters And Hauntings

This afternoon...I resumed sorting through boxes...that had been stored away for a
long time. Going through a box of letters...cards...and documents going back to the
days when I lived in Britain...I was reminded of past chapters...and people in my
life...and...I must confess...it brought on some hauntings. In my long range clearing up of my home...I've already gotten rid of many things...but one thing that so far I
haven't gotten rid of...is letters and cards received over the years. Something...
sentimental I suppose...makes me hang on to them...but in a way...I guess that
guarantees me some more hauntings up ahead...as I run into them again. Perhaps the
time will come...when I might even consider...finally getting rid of my letters etc...
and in so doing drift into a forgetfulness...where certain hauntings...and their
reminders are left behind. For now...however...for better or worse...think I'll hold
on to my past communications with people I've known over the years...and if a
haunting should come again...learn to shrug and say to myself..."well...that's life
...you know"..............................Quester.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

People Of The Salmon

[Words from my song: People of the Salmon-Copyright-SOCAN]
"People of the salmon I can hear you...
Through the ocean mist I hear your song...
I can hear your drum beat echoing...calling...
I can hear your song so deep and strong...
Brothers of the western mountain shore...
With the ocean at your door...
Many ways you are so new to me...
Many ways old as the sea"...

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Singing Evening

Returned a little while ago...from an outdoor gathering...where people take turns
singing. Was asked to...and did 3 songs. Didn't warm up before I sang...so I don't
think I had my "mojo" fully working. Warming up my voice before I sing is something
I know I should always do...if I plan to sing as well as I can. Every time I neglect
to do so...I pay a price...I get through the singing somehow...but after I am left
with a bit of a dissonant feeling. Basically...when I sing...I want to have total command of what I'm doing...and not being warmed up...it's hard to pull that off.
Anyway...I survived it...it was a pleasant evening by the water...and I saw some
people I hadn't seen for a while...so...it was a trip out worth taking...and I'm glad
I took it...............Quester.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Commercial Drive Festival

Today I went to the Commercial Drive Festival. Took a lot of video clips and still
pictures...but my photo file...is acting up...and this afternoon refused to accept
a download of the pictures taken...hence no picture of the festival tonight. It was
a fine festival...with many different performances to see...and a wide variety of foods
to dine on. There were many people present also...who were wearing exotic dress...or
even costumes some times. Much more that could be said...but this entry is late. Hope
to make a video out of today's haul of video clips. With all that sun and fresh air
today...I think I'm going to sleep well tonight................Quester.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Vancouver Kite Festival

Went to the annual Vancouver Kite Festival today...my first time there. I was blown
away by the shapes of some of the kites there...and wondered how they were able to stay
up in the air. Their brilliant colours against a mainly blue sky...on a summer day...
were something to see. I think it all provided a field day for my camcorder...which so
much of the time...have been used in lower lit situations. I think the colours of the
kites came out wonderfully as a result of all that blue sky and light...encouraging me when I got home...to start work on a video from my day's haul of video clips. I am
happy to report...earlier I completed editing it...and "Vancouver Kite Festival"...is
now on YouTube. It has been an enjoyable and productive day..........Quester.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Long Live Experience

Last night I turned a poem of mine into a video...by putting its words so that they
can roll up and out of the picture...as the rest of the words follow. So...they appear
in golden rolling text...on a background of two beautiful mountain peaks...that I
can actually see from my front winfows...and have taken a lot of pictures...or video...of. This video...which did not naturally have the sound of waves on a shore...or rushing water...as has happened in previous vdeos I've made...so what sound track to make for it?. When in doubt...I am fortunate that I can take out my guitar...and do an improvisation on it...as my sound track. So that is what I did. When i first played it back...I wasn't sure if it would work...but by putting some reverb on it...and diddling with the volume...i.e. putting it at a level...where it's part of the atmosphere of the video...but doen't interfere with the viewer taking in the words rolling on the screen...I finally had it as part of my latest video. From the experience of making videos...one of the things you learn...is not to despair of the first look or sound of visuala...or audio...but understand how you'll be able to
improve it with editing. Last night having this experience helped me to work with
my first effort at a sound track...and not immediately try for a second one.
Long live experience..................Quester.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lake Of The Eagles

[Chorus of song "Lake Of The Eagles"-Copyright-SOCAN. Video on YouTube.]
"And the wind and the water...
Speak softly the Ojibway way...
For the Lake of the Eagles...
Still lives on to this day"....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Googleable At Last

It's an interesting exercise...once in a while...putting your name into Google...and
seeing what results you get back. Couple nights ago...I put in...Poetry and my name...
and got back a lot of entries about a poet who lived in the early twentieth centry...
as a writer of poems...slightly before my time. There are quite a few people with my name...and they tend to turn up...when you engage in an exercise like this. I figured
...you have to type in something that separates you from all the other people with
your name. So I then typed in..."Poetry...my name...and Guyana in brackets. With this
one word added...there were many results. Some even reminded me of things I'd done...or been associated with that I'd forgotten about. There were people selling books or records of mine...in ways I had never dreamt of myself...there was a repertoire list for a singer...with many songs from my early records...nd so on. It proved to be an interesting exercise...showing that somewhere somehow...your much duplicated name had gotten around...some of the time even...actually refering to you. Never thought the day would come when I'd be "googleable"................Quester.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Making A Voice And Guitar Video

Hadn't made a video with me singing and accompanying myself on the guitar...for a
while. Bit the bullet and made such a video last night. I find making that kind of video to be...perhaps...the toughest challenge...with the videos I make. Usually I
have to memorize the words...given all of the songs that I know all the words by heart
for...have already been turned into videos...leaving rediscovered songs...for me to
tackle. It's something I have to get myself up for...to tackle. In addition to
memorizing the words...I have to warm my voice up...so that when I record...I have command of it. Then there's setting up the lights...making sure the picture the camera takes is well framed etc. It's the kind of thing you can shy away from...and look up
to find...a year has gone by...you still have a lot of songs to record...and you
haven't made any videos. So...tonight...I feel good about having pulled that off...
and hope to get some more done...before too much more time goes by........Quester.

Monday, June 08, 2009

They Ask Me

Here are some words from a song of mine that I turned to a voice and guitar video tonight:
"They ask me...has she gone away?...
I tell them..."No!"..........
She has only gone to spend
some time across the sea...
But the tears stain my pillow
every night...
For deep in me I know...
though I may tell them so...
She'll not come back to me"..........

Sunday, June 07, 2009

A Lucky Blur?

Today's picture is actually of my nephew playing soccer the other night. I could claim
I sat on the sidelines...with my painting gear scattered around me...and dashed off
an acrylic painting. However...this picture is...I think...the result of moving my
camera around too quickly and jerkily...with a few adjustments made later on my computer. One of my creative tenets...is never to throw out your mistakes...and keep
an open mind...about the possibilities they still may have.
This picture...in my digital camera...was a candidate for instant deletion...but I
thought I saw something in it...and "worked that up". Here's to more lucky blurs

Friday, June 05, 2009

Two Poem Night

Just finished writing two poems tonight...guess I am not yet past...The Time Of Poems.
Guess the trip to the poetry reading the other night...although it wasn't long...may
have been a catalyst of some kind. Perhaps...now that the ice has been broken...again...
there will be others...in the days to come. We'll see.............Quester.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Time After The Poems?

Just returned from a poetry reading. When I arrived there...my friends who run it...asked me it i wanted to read. I declined...as I hadn't brought any poems with me...and in the heat of this evening...didn't want to. As I was coming home...I got to thinking...could it be that you're now approaching...The Time After The Poems?. The answer is ...probably not...and that's what I'd want it to be for now...not wanting to close the door...on an important part of my artist's work...over many years. However...on nights like this...I do get a bit of that..."been there done that feeling:...but...of course...there are still a lot of things to write about. We'll have to see...how all that unfolds..........Quester.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Pictures In Our Memories

Visited with two siblings today...and among other things...looked through a family
album. That is always something that...brings bsck memories...and stirs many emotions.
Tonight's picture is of a first cousin of mine...I haven't seen for a long time.
He doesn't look like that anymore...but for those of us who have known him for a
long time...that is one of the pictures of him...we carry in our memories. Funny how
that works....................Quester.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Thoughts On Being Visited

I am currently having a visitor at my home. This fine person...is most welcome here...
there is no question about thar. Still...I find that having a visitor...does interupt
my daily schedule...and tends to distract me from doing things I should be doing...
especially when it comes to creating anything...where my prefered mode...is having a
slice of time...to get into a receptive groove...without wondering when I might be
interupted. It's one of those life situations...where you know you're privileged to have someone visit you...who you communicate well with...and have long shared history
with...but...in another way...relieved...when you can reclaim...your space...and
your time. The thing is...of course...to enjoy the visit...while it lasts...knowing
you have the freedom to do your stuff...waiting for you...up ahead.................

Monday, June 01, 2009

A Good Night To All;

I'm trying to do this while looking at a television program...before midnight strikes.
It's not really working out...so...a good night to all...........Quester.