About a week ago...I was approached about being involved...in the revival of a play
called..."Teach Me The Ways Of The Sacred Circle". It was first staged...towards the
end of the eighties...by the Spirit Song Theatre Company. I had been asked then...to
write songs to be sung during the play. I did that...and was surprised to be asked to
play the role of the grandfather in the play...[these days I'm a lot better qualified to do that...chronologically...anyway]. This acting role...was a first for me...but I
tackled it...and we ended up touring British Columbia with it. Anyway...twenty plus
years had gone by...and I had difficulty remembering...how many songs I'd written for
it...and their titles. I knew that for me to be involved in anyway...now...with this
play...I'd have to find a tape of the songs I wrote for it. I looked high and low for
a tape of it...[I have thousands of tapes with mine and other music]. I finally
found the tape with the "Teach Me Songs". I eagerly played it. It wobbled a bit...
then stalled completely. As I often do when I hit a problem I have to solve...I put
down whatever ideas come to me about it in my daily journal...at lunch today.
There was quite a list of what I might have to do about it...but the idea that came
to me...that I tried on getting back home...was manually winding the tape forward...
past the point where it had stalled...and testing to see...if it would then play.
It did...and now...with some wobbles...it looks to have all the songs I wrote for
the play back then. This opens up the door to some kind of involvement with the
revival of the play. I don't know what that will be...I'll have to discuss it with
others...but what I do know...is I won't be doing any "acting". Right after I
finished playing Grandpa Jack in "Teach Me"...I knew that was the only "acting"...
I was ever likely to do...and nothing is likely to change my mind about that.
Besides...I like creating...on my own...too much...and it looks like...if all goes
well...that is what I'm going to continue to do.....................Quester.