Starting In
It's mountains have disappeared in low clouds...and I'm facing a
blank page...reaching for something to say. Every time I come upon a journal of
mine...or an old note book...and take a peek at what's written in it...I'm
reminded of the large body of experiences...ideas...knowings...and places I've
visited in my imagination...that are available to me. Yet...when...without
consulting any of that...I sit in front of a blank often feels like a
mirror of the blankness I feel in me. The reminder this that there
is always something to be any human he or she lives life.
You just have to be patient...and remind yourself it's available...and "start
in". I'm a believer in..."starting in". Once you do...whether it's with a melody
...a poem...a song...or even a blog never know...where it will get
you to. Amen........................Quester.