Today...not having done it for quite a while...I deleted about 120 emails going back to the beginning of this year. On the one
hand it's a slightly onerous exercise...on the other...what you choose to keep...and what you choose to delete...can sometimes be...a commentary on where you're at in your life...or...on your likes and dislikes. Despite usually deleting spam
as soon as it comes into was still some more to clear out and the ones I came across are now gone. Then
there is the category of "forwardings"...I get a lot of those. They...of course make assumptions about what my interests are...
and are not always accurate in assuming interest. I kept some of the ones that might prove to be humourous...once I get round to really focussing on them...and ones about what's going on in my country of origin...Guyana...and definitely ones
about the culture and language there...also interesting ones about human or language origins. However...most of the rest of
material sent for my perusal...was finally dispatched. Then there were the collective emails...i.e. ones sent out with many
readers in mind...even by people you know quite well. My own preference with these to hear from them "person
to person"...and not via the "chopped liver",,,"many birds with one stone" approach. I find something impersonal about these.
Some of them were sent on their merry way today. Some news letters...even ones about spy ware and cyber security and
soft ware...some about poets and poetry...some containing "minutes to meetings"...which are one of my least favourite items
of interest...were dispatched...fitting the criterion..."you didn't read them when you first received haven't read
them since" whatever their merits may be...they are "gonzo" There were other casualties of today's rampage...or
should I say "fall cleaning"...but a good time to mention what I ended up keeping. There were two main categories
here...I noticed. A few of the ones that seem to have been generated from the under belly of the world I live in...including a
few laughable attempts at swindling the foolish...and one from a "foxy lady" who I do not know...I am not saving this one "for a rainy day"...but for "poetic reasons"...just like the swindly ones...feeling there's are creative possibilities in them. Lastly...and most me sentimental if you wish...I ended up keeping all the "person to person" emails I've received...from people I know...or new friends who have reached me since I became email reachable. That for at the core of my finally having brought "emailing" into my life...........................Quester.