A Singer Not Really Heard

Met with some friends last night...in a food and liquor serving establishment...to
hear a woman jazz singer. I don't know how the liquor was...as I stuck to my cranberry
juice...but the food was excellent. As for the singer...the background buzz of voices
in unabated conversation...clouded over what she was actually doing with the songs she
sang...and took me back to the nights long ago...when I went through exactly the same
thing...singing in bars with loud backgrounds...and reminded me of why I left all that
behind forever...as quickly as I could...and moved on to singing in places where the artist could be heard...although there were not as many of those venues available...
then and now...as the ones where artist abuse is the norm. Anyway...the warm feelings
present...meeting with friends...salvaged a night when the singer was not really heard.