Freedom From Icy Sidewalks
As someone may well have once said..."If it walks like a duck...if it slips and slides
like a must be icy sidewalks!". Just returned home from my duck walking session today. I slipped a few times...but managed somehow,,,to keep myself from
splatting on to the sidewalk. This winter perhaps less well publicized
than others...but there are days like today...when it arrives without any fanfare.
Only last night...I was talking to a relative...about how solid a large
part of the homeostasis we human beings hope to always have in our lives. Things like
...earthquakes...being out on the ocean on very rough seas...{I remember a ferry ride
from Prince Rupert to Haida Gwai...where the waves were lashing the passenger deck of
the boat we were on...and we were all hanging more ways than one...waiting for the six hour end. It finally did...leaving all of us who had experienced it...with neuronal pathways we do not wish to travel on...ever again.]...
and ice under foot...tend to take this solid ground feeling away from our lives. But back to New Year's Eve and wishes for the new year...I wish all...solid footing...
wherever they walk or stand...internally or externally...I wish them freedom from icy sidewalks coming into their lives...................Quester.