The Story Under The Quiet Bravery

Was just writing a piece a little while ago...that quoted this verse from one of my songs..."You are a lucky one...not mute as the stone that cries...Not free as the bird that flies...but cannot sing a song...". It was about how fortunate I feel to be able to express myself. Given what we human beings go through on this Earth would
be awful not to find a way of expressing something about it. Having said part
of our survival kit as human beings...we also know that it may not be a good idea to
express how we're feeling at a given time...but give ourselves...and
affirmative message of some kind...rather than share with we are really
feeling...or what we are really going the poet Rudyard Kipling said
,,,they turn away...having "troubles enough of their own". Hopefully...the story under
the quiet bravery...will find a way to express deserves at least that.....