Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Great Adventure

Making and uploading videos to YouTube has so far been a wonderful experience. There have been many affirmative responses...with individuals often emphasizing different
things that they feel good the particular video they have viewed. Some say
the equivalent of "nice voice". I'm glad the voice appeals...but I've often felt that
that has to do with something inherited from those who went before. Although...when
I first started out...I had to make a conscious and determined effort...not to "croon"
...which was the main kind of singing I was born into. As a song maker...melodies have
always come readily to me...for which I am thankful. It's the lyrics of my songs I've
had to work hardest on. When I started out...some were quite "turgid"...or should I say..."turbid". Then...I had to wage a determined battle against what I call..."cheap
rhyme syndrome"...the going for an easy ryhme...and being totally in
"June" and "croon" etc. Perhaps...among the most appreciated comments...are the ones
where people appear to have gotten...what I was telling about in my song. Anyway...
on the whole...the feed back has been terrific...give or take the occasional person
telling me what I "should" do...not realizing...that I've done whatever I've done
in my life...based usually on organic nudges coming from deep inside...rather than
what others say I "should" do. All in has still been a great adventure which
I am thankful for...and I hope continues...for a bit more...............Quester.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Winter's Last Gasp?

Today...the snow has been noticeably back on the mountains...and the temperature has
been cold...down here in the valley. Today...however...took pictures of more flowers popping out of the ground...a counterbalance to those cold looking mountain tops and sides. Winter this year...has been very reluctant to leave...but I think
this push of the last couple its last gasp. Hope so............Quester.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Slightly Faded

As a song of my approaches has been...that a song is always open to having
its lyrics changed...if that is needed...regardless of how much time has gone by since
it was first written. A classic example of a song of mine written decades Britain...called "Slightly Faded". This song was much requested...back I toured in the U.K....and was even recorded by one or two groups. Perhaps the reason I never recorded it back then...had to do with words in the chorus..."But you know so well...I know you completely...and you can't fool can't fool me".
As time wore on in my own life and my experiences and observations of life...widened
and deepened...I realized one knows anyone else "completely". Over the years
I've received messages from people in Britain...asking about this song. Yesterday...
I finally turned "Slightly Faded" to a video. Proving again...its never too late to
change the words of a song...the revised words of the chorus of "Slightly Faded" are
..."But we've been here before...and one time too many...and you can't fool me...
you can't fool me".......................Quester. P.S. This video is now on YouTube.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wishing A Fine Leader Well

President Obama...has an over 80% approval rating in Canada...and high approval ratings all over the world. I can't speak for anyone else about why this is so...but some of my own thoughts on this. I find myself...checking out his last night's...and again and again...I find it see intelligence and vision at work...something that seems to have been in short supply in recent times...on the leadership front. There are many things about his leadership that I find impressive. One of looking beyond the two election cycles that affect his being elected the longer range good for his country. I have often felt that a tendency to look and act for short term gains...has bedevilled how leaders perform...postponing leadership and areas beyond their own reign.'s good to see a leader in action...with a vision beyond the immediate horizon. There's more I could say on this subject...but I'll save it for another day. In the meantime my good wishes go to this keep on performing at the high and visionary level...he has been engaged in...which I think will affect positively...
not only his country...but our troubled world...................Quester.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Long Live Suspenders

Just returned from a trip out...under grey and drizzling skies. Went for a good walk
despite that...feeling more secure than I have in recent times. Let me explain...for
months walks have been somewhat having one hand ready to
counteract my panths having developed a tendency to slip downwards. Who knows why my
panths have developed this recent waywardness?. I'm beginning to feel that it may have
something to do with how your body shape shifts as time wears on...affecting things
like panths slippage. Anyway...I knew I had to do something about this development in
my life...foreseeing the Chaplinesque comedy that might develop...if I ran with bags
in both hands to cross an amber traffic light...only to have the aforementioned
slippage kick in with embarassing results. This morning...I launched into action...
attaching a recently rediscovered set of my panths of the day...
somehow...determined to figure out its intricacies...given the problem I've been
describing. I finally did...and before going out today...slipped on my newly
tampered with finery. It took a while to make adjustments...then finally I was on the
way outward bound. This day...I was able to walk...with a walking stick in one hand
...and the other arm relaxed...rather than ready to swing into action...and above
all with a new feeling of body security...despite the drizzle. Today I am thankful
for the inventors of this quaint and even cumbersome looking peice of human wear.
They knew what they were doing all along...long live suspenders............Quester.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Are You Really Who You Say You Are?

I am in the process of recovering from a bureaucracy smack down. I started in last night and continued this morning...on a search for pieces of photoless take
with me this a place that supposedly issues photo ID. Some time ago...I
was turned away by a bouncer...from a club where my nephew and his band were playing...because he wanted to see some photo ID...and...of course...just taking one look at me he could determine that I was up to no good...trying to get into his club. I didn't tell my nephew...but I was partially relieved...given my "sensitive" ears don't bear up well under assault from loud speakers in confined places. Anyway...this high-lighted a need for photo a time in my life where I'm not that keen on having my picture taken for official documents. Hence this morning's mission...I was so early at the ID place counter...that I was the only one in line...and was quickly "serviced"...or should I say "disserviced". The person at the counter after looking at my photoless ID...asked if I could provide a piece of photo ID. I pointed out that that was what I was here at her counter to get...becauses I didn't have any of that. I could go on describing the torturous process...but...,suffice it to say I was told to come back again with a certain other piece of order to get ID at this place. I really had to bite my tongue...given the ease with which this counter person recommended a return if it would be the easiest thing in the world for me to do...when I've already searched for the piece of ID she was asking for...and hadn't found it. Anyway...apart from the obvious incovenience of more searching...and the trip back ...hovering over this whole fiasco...was the Kafkaesque question...which really does give you an eerie feeling about your identity...the question..."Are you really who you say you are?".........................Quester.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Laceration Zones"

I was telling a dear friend the other with family and all its obvious meeting in person...or even conversing on the telephone...can easily
become...a "laceration zone"...i.e. a situation where people end up bruising each other. I also noted...that the written messages received from family...are usually
constructive...or even poetic...sometimes. Looking at this after I had said it...I
couldn't help but wonder...what accounts for the seeming difference here.
is that writing messages...although you won't necessarily know that from this one... you take time for it...a usually well considered weighing of your words...before you send them outward bound. With talking to each person or
on the telephone...other dynamics are involved...aided by there being no time for
careful consideration. To name some...easily bruised egoes...sometimes...mouths that are in the habit of flapping first...and asking questions...if they ever do...after. With family...of course...there is the dynamic of having known each other's frailties...for such a long time...and defending against any perceived attacks against them. There is much more that can be written about this subject,,,but shortly...I have to head out to meet with family for a birthday us all well...and may the laceration for this day................................Quester.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daisies Are Out

Just returned from a trip to the edge of Stanley Park. There were some cherry blossoms
out...but other cherry trees usually in bloom by now...were not blossoming. Verdict:
spring is dragging its feet this year...but I still got some pictures. Anyway...I'm
glad that the daisies are out.......................Quester.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A Gift Of A Day

Today...was one of those incredible days...contrasting mightily with many gloomy
winter days that have been experienced on the West Coast this year. The sun was shining
...the temperature was warm...and there was very much the "spring is happening" energy the air. How could I resist going down for a walk by English Bay. I took many' one of them. Apparently...there'll be a repeat of this blessing
...tomorrow. After that...there may be some slippage back to the gloom...but...I remain thankful for the gift that today has been...................Quester.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring Is Finally Here

Today's picture of the first crocuses seen in my hood...this year...was taken yesterday. The last two days have been warm and with the sun shining. I think...spring is finally here....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Comment Moderation"

There is a feature that some time ago...I deployed on this Blog. It is called "comment
moderation". It wasn't done to interfere with people's legitimate comments. It was an
effort to stop its tracks...before it got on to my Blog. I was hoping that
it wouldn't inhibit people making adding another layer to this process. my e-mail...I saw 5 or 6 e-mail titles...relating to comments to this Blog...that...for a moment made me wonder...if a whole bunch of new people...had
discovered it. I then started checking the contents...of each "comment". It didn't take long for me to twig...that these weren't comments at all...but an attempt to advertise some products on my Blog. I felt like a home owner holding an AK47 in his hands ...who welcomes a burglar through his midnight. You see...any
"comment" that comes towards my sent to me decide whether it is
to be published...or not. This is something I wouldn't be interested in doing...if
it were not for using it to stop spam. Anyway...I finally had evidence...that
"comment moderation" stop I am not about to bring any of that
stuff...which I don't respect...into my Blog...if I have any choice in the matter.
Looks like I actually do...................Quester.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Head And Heart

Words from my song "Head And Heart-Copyright-SOCAN. Uploaded to YouTube yesterday.
"Back to the knowings of the Heart...
The mysteries of the Wheel...
The healing powers of the Earth...
Let us welcome and feel...
Our Heads can't stop the knock
at the door...
The Time has come
to be Whole once more".....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lacerations And Works In Progress

Was just thinking...that I tend not to use my a place to vent...when an ego
bruising happens. It may be something that comes with being endowed with a reptile addition to our two other brains...but there seems to be a tendency for the
ego...easily bruised...unless you've done a lot of inner work...and have learnt to
detach yourself from strike back. I think striking back...without
hesitation...tends to reveal insecurities...on the part of the reactor...sometimes...
more than anything else. I've observed...while checking out other blogs...or reading
comments on videos not mine...on some...use their privilege of getting slash at each other. Unfortunately...the media in general...has...over the
years...sought out sell their products...a kind of...all the world
loves a fight approach. I'ts an approach...I've felt for a long time...I see through. hope is that not being in the habit of dishing out bruisings...may
reduce the chances...of any...coming my way. If anyone were to test how
detached I actually am...they should be put on notice...that I'm a work in progress
...and they might just..."make my day".......................Quester.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

One Song At A Time

Yesterday...I focussed in on a song I'd written many years ago...but had sat in one
of my song word danger of never seeing the light of day. I memorized it...
finally...and made a voice and guitar video of it. After doing one of these song reacues...I tend to have a good feeling...knowing...a song that was doubt
...with a lot of fervour...and had actually turned out well...was now a representative
of my work as a song maker...rather than being cast aside...forever. Sometimes...
thinking of the forest of songs...I still have "unrepresented" this way...can easily paralyse me from taking action...if I forget an old secret...learnt a while ago...
which this situation..."focus on one song and not the forest of songs"...which
of're lucky to have. If you keep on honing in...on one song a time your videos of these songs...will accrue. This secret has been around
for a long time...this doing of a doable bit...and not worrying if much is yet
undone. Hope I can remember this in the time to come...............Quester.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reaching For New Songs

Some new songs have come to me recently...for which I am very thankful. However...
yesterday...I listened to past melodies I've made...came up with one or two general...spent time being in a receptive the event a song might decide to come to me. Yesterday...none did. This morning I am processing this...and can's all part of my overall approach to song making. Realizing...that all you can prepare as well as you can to receive a song...knowing that on a given may decide...not to come to you...and just be thankful on the days...when it does. I know that wherever you are...there are and around you...but you have to also know...they are not there waiting for you to command them into being...they will come when they come. When they don't come...despite your readiness to receive them...that is part of the privilege...of being a song maker...and you have to accept that...and live to reach for songs...another day.'s to reaching for new songs...and being thankful...for the many that have come my way............

Friday, February 13, 2009

Through Thick And Thin Times

Today...I have to remind spoilt you can get as a creative artist...with an online channel...or more...on which to showcase your creations. For can write a song in the morning...record it on your home video equipment...and by that
same afternoon...have some one in Romania...or Japan...or Slovakia...looking at it.
The majority of the far...since I've had my YouTube channel...there have
been affirmative comments...coming in. You can get so that you begin to expect that
to happen every day...and if a day or two goes by without those strokes...begin to get
grumpy. At such times...I make myself for decades...before the online
revolution...that myself and millions of others have been the beneficiaries of...I
sat down...again and again...and tried to conjure up...a song or a poem...without any
guarantee that anyone...anywhere might hear or see it...or if I were might
appear on an album...a year or more after I'd written it. I kept on doing my creative
artist's work...year after year...until in 2005...I became a Blogger...and in 2007...
began to upload my videos to YouTube...having survived as a creative artist...until
I met up with the age of the internet revolution. With that tough kind of schooling
...I have to remind myself...that any doldrums that come the way of my videos online
...if they nothing compared to the degree of difficulty I've already survived
...and I should try not to get spoilt...from the many affirmative responses I've
received since being online.'s to keepin' on...through the thick and the
thin times................................Quester.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hope Springs Eternal

Just finished checking my e-mail. On my e-Mac...there is a red circle that goes on at
the bottom of the screen...alerting you that you have e-mail...and telling you the
number of them. When at first you see that...a momentary hopeful feeling flickers through if some kind of shaking at hand. At this...I say to myself..."hold'll be what it'll be". Often when I check next...what the e-mails are about...despite my..."reining in myself" m.o...there is some another dose of "same old same old". I actually wrote a poem once...about knowing that my rescue was not likely to come...via my mail or letter box telephone...or my e-mail. Despite that...a spark of hope...still hits me...when I first see that red circle on the corner of my mail logo. I guess there is truth
in what they say...that..."hope springs eternal".......................Quester.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sealth Could See

Just finished uploading my video..."Sealth Could See". "Sealth" apparently the
correct way of pronouncing "Chief Seattle's" name. This song is about teaching the
young how to live taking them to natural places...and pointing out lessons
to be learnt by observing what the creatures...various life with
many aspects of living in this Creation. Here's a verse from this song:..."See the eagle fly in the blue high...Telling you you've got to be strong...See the red sun rise in the morning...singing...Follow me you'll never go wrong...Never go wrong if you follow me...Never go wrong if your eyes can see...The wheel of the land...and bear and bird and tree...And me".....................Quester.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Whitening

The roofs of my neighbourhood...are white again...this morning...and here was I thinking that "the whitening"...was over for this season. A few days ago I saw the first snow drops...[the flower]...of the year...but couldn't help but notice that...crocus...forsythia...and others...are still holding back. Well...there's something to be said for delayed I can't
me something to write about...short though it may be...............Quester.

Monday, February 09, 2009

A Productive Day

Yesterday was a productive day. I wrote most of a new song...then spent time looking at the contents of one of my external hard drives...which triggered several ideas for new projects. It's funny how easily you can forget what you have stored in your files...regardless of whether its very important to you...or not. Just making time to audition what you have in a good part of an overall artist's m.o. On a more prosaic level...I ended up making an index of the contents on this hard drive...the better to follow up later on ideas this process generated. Late in the evening...I spent time and focus on re-editing a video I'd made over a year ago. The problem I wanted to correct...was to change...some effects on it...that had turned out in a garish way. Some videos you need to let sit for a while...until it becomes clearer...what it is about them...that is bothering you. This "letting sit for a while" also part of a helpful m.o. Late on in my editing...I hit a snag...but I'll return to solving the difficulty encountered today. All in all...a productive day..............Quester.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Fine Twenty First Century Adventure

Every video you upload to find yourself...bracing for what might unfold.
Can't speak for others...but my largest that I might upload a video I of one of my finest songs...only to find not many others see it that way. I have trained myself...not to be addicted to the outcome of my videos being put online...but still...I find myself pausing before I upload...feeling..."Here we go who knows how this one will work out"...and then going ahead. I've done it now 171 times...and yet each time...I have to gird myself to do it...I never have the sense that this one is a cinch. Over the years I've learnt that tastes in life...and in music ...differ widely...and can't try to please everyone...but instead...just do the best you can...with your natural and learnt abilities. I'm sure that even those who receive your music most enthusiastically...are likely to have a list of your songs they like best...that would be different from the one you carry in you. I am thankful that the great majority of people who have responded to my music ...have been very affirmative in their comments...that...of no guarantee that all who respond in the future...will automatically do it that way. So...I'm thankful to all who have sent me their positive comments...and we'll just have to wait and see what the next upload brings. In a way...after's this uncertainty about what the outcome will be...that has helped make putting my work online...a fine 21st century

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Just Different Strokes

We human beings can drift out our subjective realities. So far so good.
A problem only begins to arise...when we get into assuming that a subjective belief we a cosmic ultimate...that should be followed by all. There is a "reality"
show on television...that knowingly or unknowingly...reveals...the conflict and hurt
feelings...that can come...when individuals make the mistake of thinking that their
belief system...of course...should be followed the people they are matched
with in the show. This program...I confess to looking at some times...but other times
...can't bring myself to watch...the blindness and the narrowness of some of my fellow
human beings...being so painful to watch. Quite's religious fanaticism...on
one side...clashing with a more live and let live approach...on the other. Sometimes I think...this kind of zealotry I see on this show...and the result of people sticking a short hand for being spiritual...they got out of a book...or some other source. What is very how nasty people can get...sometimes ...supposedly following...inflexible "spiritual" guidance. This nastiness...I sense probably a reflex feeling threatened...when another belief system...comes close. I could go on and on...on this subject...but I've always felt...that a spiritual start with...should make you feel secure. If following feel easily me...means there's something awry in the system you're following...or your interpretation...of it. When I meet up with different takes on living life...if I can avoid being hooked into disputes about differences ...I draw on the "wisdom of the ages"...and say to myself..." know...all you're looking at "different strokes""chill out"......................Quester.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Keeping Inertia At Bay

The greyness outside my window...and the blankness of this page before me...remind me
of how we human beings...have to keep goosing oourselves to move forward. I'm not
writing here...about moving up any ladders we have set for ourselves in our minds.
I'm talking about what I call..."moving the organism"...given that inertia...always
hovering...can bring you to a stand still...if you haven't developed "goosing" strategies to keep you moving forward. There are times in life...when the natural
motivation you once keep getting things done...can flicker very low...and you
are the greatest danger...of coming to a complete stop. This can actually
happen to people. Howard Hughes...once an extremely active and enterprising man...and a billionaire...seemed to have the grey ball of inertia...although I'm
sure what afflicted him...was likely more complex than that. Point is...none of us
are totally immune from...having our lives come to a halt...although we are still
breathing. Today's entry...may not be of cosmic importance...but coming up with it
...has been an inching forward...rather than stopping...and living in the hope that
one day soon...there will be a resumption of..."a fine flow forward"......Quester.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

An Encouraging Word

Just finished reading an encouraging someone...originally from Vancouver
...but elsewhere now...and missing my favourite city. The video is called..."Sunny Day
By the Bay"...and it hasn't had many views in the time its been on YouTube...which...
of me is ultimately irrelevant. I know that I made it...with much love for this city of mine...and that's what really matters. Putting a video on a have to always be prepared to run a gauntlet...where you might encounter
total indifference...or people really connect with what you're sharing with them.
I've written my long hand journal...that the thing to that
if your video really connects with one person out there...that itself...would be enough...never mind the others who didn't connect with it. Today's comment...reminds me that what I've just written is indeed true...and I thank the person who let me
know...that this video meant something to her. On to making more videos,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Song Doctor Does His Job

I've been listening to a tape of melodies I created over the years...recently. One full blown song has already resulted from doing that...and about a week ago...I was surprised to find...a whole song on it...written it must be at least 15 years ago. It
was a song with..."a bit of chirp" it. By that phrase I mean...a bit of
cheekiness...even "tongue in the cheek" about it. The only problem for me with it...
was on listening to it all these years later...I could spot something...I didn't the heat of first writing it. That can easily happen...and that's where
auditioning some of your songs...long after you've written them...can cometimes help
a song...left in finally bloom. The problem was...on some lines...I was
over stating my case...e.g...making big sweeping statements...when something closer to
what is real...was required. Going on..."flights of fancy"...fits
certain songs...others...not so much. lunch three days ago...I found
myself humming this song in my mind. It was like an early warning system being
activated...and reminding return to really finishing it. I jotted
down some new words for part of the song in my journal. The day home...
I told is the day you finally finish this song...and seriously
started working on it. I wrote some more new words where they were required...and
before I knew it...I had a final version...of a song that had ended up...taking years
to write. The "song doctor" in me...had finally administered some strong medicine to
his patient...who had finally become healthy.................Quester.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Quiet Edge Of Spring?

Went for a long walk today across my neighbourhood. The sun was out...and it very much
felt like a spring day...although many of the flowers...usually out by now...were not
to be seen...where I walked. I think they have all been held back by a cooler than
usual winter. Anyway...I look forward to the days ahead...when they will be arriving...
in...give or take...a day or two........................Quester.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Critter Feeders

Took this picture of Lost Lagoon...on the edge of Stanley Park...about a
week ago. This is one of the few pictures I was able to get of them...without showing
the human beings who were feeding them that day. This is a regular ritual at this
place. I always feel a bit conflicted when I witness this panhandling by creatures
once wild...with many human beings...being only too ready to help in the process. Who
can ever tell what the actual motive is...of any person who engages in the feeding of
"wild" creatures. is...that they are simply concerned about the well being of the creatures...they are throwing things like pop corn at. {I've always wondered about the health of the creature eating these kinds of foods...]. Given my tendency to look at many sides of a given issue...I've also wondered...about the "ego rush"...some might having these "wild" creatures...coming to get the food they are offering. Perhaps...wild creatures who have had large cities...
or towns built up around them...have simply learnt to adapt to their new circumstances
...and the humans involved are just helping them along. Who knows what he truth is
...about tamed "wild" creatures. One thing I do that I am not very likely
to join the ranks of the critter feeders...although you never know...what might
happen...if a need for company that seeks you out...arises up ahead......Quester.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Lion In The Hood

On Friday...the sound of drums coming from in front of where I live...reminded me that
it was Chinese New Year...and "The Lion was in the Hood". I made a video of this very thing last year...which is on YouTube. This time round...I just caught the tail end...
of the Lion's trip along my street. It's a tradition...where two men...wearing a lion
costume...operate inside of it...looking very much like one's usually
done so well. They visit establishments along the street...and throw lettuce towards
their smiling proprietors or workers...who try to catch the lettuce...but never quite
seem to be able to keep up with the flow of objests coming their way. I think this supposed to bring good fortune to the businesses involved. Anyway...I did
get a few pictures of the Lion's journey...including today's picture. Today...I had in
mind to go down to the large Chinese New Year Parade in Chinatown...which I also made
a YouTube video of last year...but when I got up to get ready for it...I saw that it was raining...and didn't fancy that my cameras would do very well in the I didn't go. hope that more hardy souls than myself...helped to make it a fine the rain. Talk about..."raining on my parade".....................Quester.