Monday, June 30, 2008

Trout Lake-1

Thought it was high time I uploaded a video to this Blog. This genre of video is handy
to have in your repertoire...i.e. a video clip not held up from being put online by
editing or titling. This can make a wider variety of subjects available for upload.
With this kind of are very reliant on the quality of picture and sound
your camera gives that is what is going to be posted...with no sound or
picture modification. So far...I'm very pleased with what my Evorio camcorder gives me.
Making this kind of addition to my strongly edited YouTube videos...turned
my mind to finding ways to get more information into my video clip. Then it came to me
...see if you can do video clips in which you can give little spoken commentaries.
Without being preoccupied with talking...a hand held camera...tends to wobble all over
the place. However...I like to use a hand held camera...because you can shift where
you're pointing it...very quickly. Anyway...the giving a spoken commentary...didn't help the wobbles...or the zooms or reverse zooms...but I survived this early attempt at
making this kind of video. Towards the end of the clip...I forgot to mention the "face"
in the mountain to the left of a close up. It might just be too much video making on
my part...but see if you too...see a "face".................Quester.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Afternoon By The Bay

Thought I would write this now...when the visual stimuli for at least some of what I may right in front of me. I'll post it to my Blog tomorrow...Sunday.
For the last hour or two...I've been walking along the shores of English Bay...bathed in sunshine...with many other citizens of my beautiful me...having heard...the call the sun sends out..."it is time to head down to the water"...leave the vestiges of winter...persisting over a cool spring...behind. With so many people converging on the banks of the're very likely to meet a person or two...that you know. I just met a fellow song maker...and we had a heart to heart talk about this work we both organically chose to do. We parted...seeking protection from the sun's rays...actknowledging...that we are both still standing...doing what we do...after a long long journey...with more to come. As I sit on a bench...under the shade of two tall trees...I look out on the sun silvering the wave etched waters...around rhe ever present freighters...with people...shirts off or arms bare...ambling...waddling...sauntering...or bobbling past the foreground... and I know...however long and tough my artist's saga has is a good day...unfolding...just the way it is.......................Quester.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pictures Of Another Time-10

When I first began blogging...I started a series of entries...called..."Pictures Of
Another Time". Can't remember how the last of those that was posted was I'll just call this one number 10. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.
I would add to that..."a picture can bring back details of a time...that you had forgotten". Today's of yours truly...[I know there's no resemblance to the current me...but that's how life unfolds...came close to saying "unravels" but refrained...given I'm a positive person]. It was one of the pictures taken for the Westbury Toronto...where I was singing six nights a week...solo. I the thought of taking on a gig like this point in my life...but then...I had a laser-like focus on..."doing what I had to do". Commanding a large room full of people...preoccupied with the evening's agenda...which was not necessarily...listening to someone sing...proved to be a character test every time I went on stage...but I survived...somehow. Notice...I was sporting a "brush cut" at the time...[the time of the bushy headed poet had not yet arrived]. A conga drum is the chosen prop. There was another picture taken with a guitar...which even then...was my accompanying instrument...not so much the drum. I remember the shirt I was wearing. It was a deep blue silk shirt that survived for many years before I lost track of it. I know it wasn't worn until it turned to whatever did happen to it?. As they say in Guyana where I was born and raised..."after a another time!". Today...I salute that "time" long ago...which is also of course...a part of who I this time................Quester.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Signs Of Hope

Every day...on now the read or hear about things done by human beings...that if you focussed on them exclusively...
could turn you into someone with a very jaundiced view of humankind. A realization that came to me years ago...has saved me from that fate. It is that at the same time that the ugly things are happening...there are beautiful things being done by humans...not to mention the beauty that is in all of Creation. Today's from a mural...on a corner...about a block away from where I live. I remember...a few years back...when a group of enthusiastic young people were working on this picture...which among other a glimpse of the diversity this city with so much to offer. I am sure it is true of many cities...but one of the impressive things about its varied displays of public art...beautifying the city when the winds of winter...have caused the plentiful flowers to fall away. I hope to return in the future...with more examples of public my city. There is too much of it that is varied and fine...for it not to be any portrayal of the city I'm privileged to live in...................Quester.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I usually sign off my e-mails with the word..."Peace". Some who receive this sign off...might think..."I see he's still stuck in the sixties". That wouldn't quite do
justice to why I close off on that note. Some years ago...long after the sixties...I
came across the notion..."let peace begin with me". I reflected on it...and saw that
it was a message that made sense to me. How can you go around talking about World Peace and going to marches about that...if in your personal life you were a "spreader of war" the way you interacted with others?. If you were serious about wanting peace in the had to start with had to become an emmissary for peace. Realizing meant...that I had to change the energy I put out...when I interacted with friends and strangers. There had been times previously...for instance
...when I was like a storm I got on to a bus. It was...therefore...not a
surprise...that during the time I was doing that...I had a run in or two with bus
drivers. With my new peace insight...I could now I had contributed to those
dissonant past events. As I started to get on buses...consciously bringing whatever sweetness there was in the fore...I began to notice how my bus driver interfaces...began to become...usually...a pleasant experience. This area of change in my life...has benefited me ever since...with many a beautiful...spontaneous experience. there any other way to sign off now...than to leave you...with a resounding....."Peace"!.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Long Hand Daily Journals

Was just looking through one of my long hand journals...taken at random...from two
shelves of these usually black and red keepers...of details and flights of the imagination...over many years. In today's chosen journal...I rediscovered some stories
I had written...that I could appreciate much better now...than when I first wrote them. They were all too be borrowed for this morning's post...instead...nudging me to face this blog page without their here we are. I am really glad I've kept a daily long hand journal over many years. For one this time when my memory plays tricks on is great to have them to consult...about events and ideas and creations of the past. There are many benefits in keeping a daily journal...but I've just named one of the very important ones...having it as a record of what you were experiencing and thinking in times past. For me...this online different from my daily long hand journal...which is for my eyes only...and also contains a times...of mundane daily transactions. Anyway...on this cloudy early afternoon in June...I am glad I've disciplined myself to do both...I only hope I'll be able to keep up my blogging...for as long as I've been returning to my trusty daily journal................Quester.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Vanished Entry

I posted a full fledged entry today...which after I clicked "publish"...disappeared into cyber space. I'll reconstruct and post it later...but in the meantime...I'll
just post a picture taken at an Italian garden...not far from where I live. Come to
think of it the expression in the a bit like the one I had when this afternoon's post disappeared!.....................Quester.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Healing And Continued Grace

The old admonition..."if you can't say something good about somebody...don't say anything at all" one that makes sense to me...and I try to deliver my
imperfect way. I know many who live by that edict...and by so doing...make a contribution to affirming life around them...rather than being a generator of hostility ...and a squelcher of what other people have to offer. I have always wondered about what the contribution to life is...of those who seem to enjoy savaging others...and go out of their way to do so. Perhaps their the Big to keep the rest of us on our toes...before we become blissfully unaware...of dangers around us. Fortunately...I have found that those who would lift you up...outnumber those who would drag you an overwhelming margin. Today...I wish those who would transfer their unhappiness and anger about their own lives on to others...a healing and an opening of their eyes to the beauty in life...and in others. I wish those who encourage others instead of drag them down...continued grace...on their peaceful walk through life..........................Quester.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Modern Greetings?

A few days ago...I received an e-mail that started off..."Hey you". The sender doesn't
know how close I came to not reading any further. Something about those kinds of not put me in the mood to continue a correspondence or a conversation. I guess it's my old school beginnings acting up...with courtesy as one of the values to live by...right at the top of its list. I've used the term in shoo away crows from my balcony...or dogs about to urinate on my bicycle wheels...but I can confidently say...I've never used it as a friendly greeting to a fellow human being. As I always do when I have to work out something that someone has done or said that jars me...I try to understand where it came from. Doing occurs to me that to the person hitting me with the "hey you" might have just been an ultra friendly greeting...even one attempting to be intimate. Of course it could just be the way...people of another generation greet each other these days...and I am still thinking and functioning in a bygone era. Something tells wasn't ill intended...and I'll go with that...and send my own courteous wishes to the sender. ...................Quester.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Perspective Shifts

From time to time...doing one of my once every so often life inventories...I find...
among other things...that despite my ongoingly working on being positive...that my
perspective has somehow...edged downwards to the greyness. It is at such times I do
what I call a "perspective shift". I write in my daily journal about the good things
in my life...and consciously bring my slipped a better place. That day...
and maybe onwards...I give myself` reminders about keeping my perspective up. I think
that this is one of my practices...that has so far...helped me not to arrive at a
permanent jaundiced view of life. Hope I can keep on remembering to intervene this way
...keeping the flame of hope...burning brightly in my life................Quester.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Graffiti vs. Vandalism

Walking recently with two friends from England the subject of graffiti came up. They
were dead set against it. A lot of the time I let people make their expressions from
their subjective reality...without feeling it necessary to trump theirs with mine. I
certainly wasn't trying to trump [did that word come into being before Donald came along?]them...but I heard myself softly saying...that for me the main issue was...where the graffitists chose to express themselves. I like to see people express creative in a world that can sometimes be very drab. Where I draw the line about self expression when it morphs into full blown when the target for the wall of someone's house or store...or other people's domains which they have worked hard to keep in good shape. When I see that...I think I see a big ego at work...prone to disrespecting others. There are places enough in big cities for such creations...on hoardings around construction sites that are going to be torn down soon anyway...under bridges...and many other places...where one person's rights don't attempt to subjugate the rights of others. To sum up...the way I feel
about this form of human expression...A big "No" to vandalism...and s
big "Yes" to creative expression that doesn't invade another's space. Having said all
that...don't expect to see me at a hoarding in your fair city...any time soon. The price of a can of spray much too high...besides...what are blogs for?.......Quester.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thanks For Aesop

As a school boy in Guyana...South America...I was exposed to...among other pieces of information from distant countries and cultures...Aesop's Fables. The one I remember
most is about the dog...with a bone in his mouth...who walks up to a clear deep pond...looks into it...and sees this other dog...also with a bone in his mouth. Greedily he snaps at the other bone. As he does so...his mouth flies open...and the bone he was carrying...launches itself into the pond. He...of course...was only looking at his reflection!. Now...instead of having one bone in his possession...he has none. The wisdom in this story has helped me many a time...especially since I've been putting my videos on YouTube...which has been a wonderful adventure. One of the things you better get used to when you put your videos that there are always other videos that are going to have a lot more views than any of yours. I remember once noticing how a six year old...singing "Over the rainbow"...had over 6 million views...while one of my best songs...had 60!. When this kind of thing comes up...I remember the story of the dog who lost the bone in his allowing himself to be affected by what the other dog had. I remember...that if I concern myself with how well others seem to be doing...unerringly it'll take me away...from all the fantastic things I've experienced since I've been on YouTube. Old Aesop...who likely lived more than 2,000 years ago...helps he must have helped countless keep my centre...when the green eyed monster...or some of the others we humans are prone to conjuring up...attempt to steal away our peace of mind. Long live Aesop...and the other wise guys...and girls...who have passed their wisdom down to us!..............Quester.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stress Free Blogging

I know someone...who put the straight jacket on do something like 2,000
entries on his something like a year. I wish him well. Perhaps he needs that
structure to help him on his way. For me...there's a little bit of "been there done
that" that approach. Early on blogging...I got into the mindset...that I must do
a post daily...on and on. I sustained that clip for quite a while...until it dawned on
me that the element of "fun"...that can happen when you blog...had flown away. Anyway
I made a resolution that I would stop striving to be daily. I looked up the other see...that in the last two weeks or so...since I rejuvenated my blog...I've
actually posted something every day. There's...of course nothing wrong with
long as you're doing that...while you're enjoying posting your entries and pictures.
However...I have to report...that some time ago...I decided I would as much as I could
....remove stressors from my life. I've learnt to do stress free video making...and now I'm into stress free blogging. I've identified the largest area of stress for when...starting off doing something...I make extravagant promises to myself or anyone else...about what I'm going to do. So...currently...I'm enjoying doing my posts...but don't be surprised...if at any time...I might take a needed holiday from it. I'm writing this...with the full knowledge...that few or none might be reading my blog...[now there's a stress reducing thought right there].'s to stress free blogging ...and...for that matter...stress free living...........Quester.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sleep On It

Yesterday afternoon...I went through all the steps needed...and completed the making of a video...ostensibly for upload to YouTube. I have what I call my "big picture" approach to making videos. Part of after you've made a video...and you've
played it back a time or two...if anything about it is bothering another version of it. The "big picture" aspect of that you want to make and upload
videos you feel good about...and shouldn't look upon doing a video over as a
nuisance...but as part and parcel of your quality control over what you do. Another
wing to this approach...has to do with the old admonition we heard from our parents and grand parents..."if you're not sure...sleep on it". The video I made yesterday...was one I "slept on". It was a talk video about something that has recently been a nuisance to me. came to me that maybe...this was one I shouldn't it might simply turn out to be a generator of i
am someone who tries to create peace instead of dissonance in his daily life...although I may deliver on it very imperfectly. Looking at the big picture to do with the energy I put into making it...which might have been for nought...I can see I have still benefited from the experience of having done it. With it...I've found a new and interesting scene...and camera angle...from which to make future videos. So...all was not lost...and overall it was a reminder to..."when in doubt...sleep on it!"......

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tabla Rasa Waiting

The cursor at the top of my page is throbbing...awaiting the first word on this page
this morning. Oh yes...the challenge of a blank page before you...tabla rasa waiting.
[Think i just got myself the title for this piece!]. I also keep a more or less daily
long hand journal...which has given me a lot of practice facing blank pages. The
difference between that and an online that kind of "for your
eyes only" online for all the world or no one to read. I could say a
lot about how keeping a private journal has benefited me...but I'll keep that for another time...this page is calling for a rounding out. Perhaps one thing a person facing the blank page challenge should always that whoever you may be...
you are sitting before it...carrying a wealth of life experience and information in you ...and it's only a matter of reaffirming that...then starting in...and something will come out of your efforts...even though it might only be some barely coherent thoughts...with the sunshine outside your window...vying for your skittering attention. And that was how...he managed to complete his morning blog entry..."Tabla Rasa Waiting"............................Quester.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Deserts Of The Moon

Yesterday...I recorded...edited...and uploaded...the video..."Deserts Of The Moon" to
YouTube. The song's about what others call..."the dark night of the soul".
As we all know...our "deserts of the moon"...sometimes can go on for much longer than a night...sometimes...for incredibly long time. I remember once cracking to someone who asked how I was doing..."Oh...just coming out of a dark year of the soul!". The song in question contains the verse..."the smoke and mirrors you knew make the blue days quickly fade can't start playing anymore...for long before you see them through". A reference to that "been there done that feeling"...we tend to get as life wears on...that if we don't consciously break out from...could easily turn into a permanent sulk. Every time I upload a video about a serious song...I'm aware that some people...on seeing its description...might shy away from viewing it...but's that one of the many wonderful things about my YouTube experience...I can live my artist's uploading whichever videos I feel good about at the time...regardless of who may or may not decide to view them. As it is...I look at "Deserts Of The Moon" as one of my core songs...and core songs should be represented in any slice of an artist's worik. By the happens in many of my songs...there is often...a life affirming passage. In this song it's the chorus: "But through these deserts of the moon...a green place will come to you soon...if you take the chance you have dance under the sun"..............Quester.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

In A Temple Garden

On my walk this afternoon...I passed by the back of a Buddhist temple in my neighbourhood. I have often passed by different times of the the
roses were blooming...or when reddening apples were hanging from the back yard tree.
I have often wondered what went on with the monks inside...who I've caught glimpses of
walking in my hood. I have never ventured inside. However...some of the things I've
learnt about the Buddhist way of being...have impressed me...and I have benefited from
having known them. Over the years...bricks and mortar edifices...have not impressed me
as much as what some spiritual paths have to say about living life. This afternoon I
passed by the back of the temple...and took this picture of a monk talking to the temple gardner. I felt good about taking the picture...and it ended up triggering this
afternoon's post. The mysteries of the temple...and the illuminations I've gleaned from the Buddhist path...will continue to interest me..............Quester.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Flower Pictures Are Back

Today is sunny...just the kind of day I test my new Lumix a
non-gloomy situation. Earlier today...I went on a leisurely walk across the East End...
with my camera poised. There were already flowers shedding their soon...or simply having their colours fade to brown...but...of course...there were many
other species in full bloom. So...I was able to get my flower pictures for today. This
one...of poppies...I'm pleased between the ones that were a tribute to the fact that I'm still early in my learning curve with this camera. However...looks like
with it...I'm beginning to get the kind of flower pictures I wanted to get. Wish me

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Colour Of Grace

Among the deletions I've just done on my e-mail...were two...from people who I started
out well with. One was a fellow blogger...a man who I know and like...apart from the
reason for my deletion. You must be closing in on two years...that he has been sending me daily notices about his blog...[perhaps I should do that about mine...but...]. At first I was patient with his process...but by the 365th daily notice...or so...I must began to become an irritation. However...I didn't
want to send him a request to cease and desist...knowing that people who are getting it up to create something online...shouldn't be discouraged...I have let them flow towards me...every day...although I know where his blog address is...and could easily find it ...from time to time when I might want to read it. The second deletion...was from a very young fellow...sending me notices about his videos on YouTube. He has been almost daily...sending two to six notices...on a given day. Perhaps that's the efficient way things are done online...but it's one I haven't embraced myself. I my own great acute sense of what is graceful...and what is graceless ...on this Earth Walk. As I stumble along...I deliver on it very imperfectly...but it's an ideal...that...perhaps...sometimes...keeps me from overstepping. In the gathering gloom last evening...I went out with my brand new camera...and...among others...took this picture...of a white flower...which in turn...triggered today's post. A picture...of a flower...the Colour of Grace............Quester.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tribute To A Walking Companion

Today...I acquired a new digital camera...with about double the megapixelage...[my word]...of the previous one that recently went belly up...[just struck me that the term "belly up" must have come out of someone observing what fish do when they cash it in]. I've been keen for some time to use a camera with 10 megapixels or see especially...if it would help in an area I've had difficulty in...with the previous
camera...i.e. when I've taken pictures of flowers...which I tend to do a lot of on my walks...the detail in the petals...and in the spaces between them...often turns out in
an ill defined way...and what is a flower if you can't show its delicate patterns?.
Having voiced that down side of my previous "little walking friend"...I have to honour
its yeoman service to me. It was after all that camera with megapixels in middle single digits...with its video option...that was responsible for starting me out on
my wonderful video making adventure. My early videos including "Earth Song" and "Angelina" owe their existence to my little old friend. So today...I want to pay
tribute to my departed camera...with one of its many pictures...that came out
pleasingly well. A fine original picture of brown mannequins...I inverted it on one
of my photo give it this blue extra terrestrial look. Thank you my
tiny companion on many a walk...may your new replacement serve as well as you have...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Interconnection Pictures

One of the things I want to do in this renewal of my to post some of my pictures...[paintings]. The reason for this quibble just that I prefer to call myself a picture maker...rather than a painter. I make my pictures organically...based on "nudges from the deep"...the way I tend to approach just about everything else I create. As a self taught artist in all the creative idioms I engage in...I...of course ...didn't go to school to learn to paint. I make my pictures anyway...but once in a blue moon I wish I had some of the technical...or should I say
"painterly" knowledge about mixing paints learn in art school. On the other hand...i am a great the creative power we each carry in us...which when harnessed...can lead us to creations...with a different look or feel to them...and the solving of problems we encounter as we create. Today's picture is one of a series i try to my simple way...the interconnectivity of things...i.e. how everything is connected to everything else. It's me the female and male central figures came out. They emerged...with boxing gloves on!. Now...I wonder where that idea came from. Regardless...they and the punching bags around them...are full of colour...and they are...of course...all...interconnected!. More paintings to be shown and written about later................Quester.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Sakatoon's A Friendly City

With the rejuvenation of my blog...I am going through materials I haven't seen for a while. I came across this poster of a 1996 concert in Saskatoon. Over my long years of
touring...there were some cities and towns that I particularly liked singing at. Glasgow...Liverpool...and Saskatoon...spring immediately to mind. Why?...because of the warm and friendly people I was priviliged to meet in these places. To this friend "Bessie of Sakatoon" one of my most prominent YouTube video supporters. Her comments and greetings blow a warm wind from the prairies...helping me to sail on my way. One of the songs on my album "Underneath The Blue Canadian Sky" says..."Saskatoon's a friendly city". I remember how warm and friendly and interactive that 1996 Saskatoon concert was. There were many friends present and it felt like a reunion Someone from the audience said that she'd like to make a video of my song "Pretty Brown". In those days making a video of one of my songs...was something often spoken of...but never delivered on...given the crushing difficulty technically and money-wise in getting such a thing done. Little did I know on the night of that concert that a technological revolution would come...that I would embrace it...and the result would be 113 videos on YouTube and counting...with "Pretty Brown" leading the way. There's much else that could be said...but I'll leave this trip down memory lane for now. No doubt there will be many others on this blog...up ahead...............Quester

Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Goosing Of My Blog

From today onwards...I'm hoping to do...a "goosing of my blog". Today it dawned on me...that I have a vast array of materials to draw on for my Blog...other than my videos set aside for uploading to YouTube...written...and with a video or two thrown on my last two postings here. Today's video: "Intro To YouTube Video: I Create"...contains one of my central points about human beings exercising the creative potential we each have. I ended up uploading the video: "I Create" to YouTube...without this introduction...because at the time I wanted to keep the video short...and knowing that as beneficial as exercising our creative potential is...some people are still skittish it seems about the word "creativity". So...because of that decision then...this video is now available to be posted on to my Blog. As you will notice...unlike my YouTube videos...this one is without editing...which leaves the way open to post all kinds of video clips on my Blog ...and I see that as part of what I'll be utilising from now on. Can't remember putting online...a "close up" as close up as this one...guess I'm reaching the time when I can be as brave...or as foolish as I want to be. Would be good to get a signal from folks who visit my blog...that they are doing that it will be "cooking with gas"!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Chain Flower Trees

Walking last Sunday in Van Dusen Gardens...with two friends from England...there was
something especially uplifting...about walking along this path...with the chain flower
trees in full bloom above us...and offering a beautifully harmonic counterpoint...
purple flowers blooming on each side. There is something special about that natural...
copious yellow and purple combination...enveloping you walk. For me it was
third time lucky. I'd been two times this place...but on those occasions...there were flowers blooming...but not as bountifully as they were last
Sunday. I was glad that my friends could share this experience with me.......Quester.

Computer Victories

A week or two IPhoto file on which I edit photographs...simply disappeared. The reason why was not apparent. When I clicked IPhoto a sign appeared saying something to the effect that I needed an IPhoto library before things could go further. No need to get into further details...but I no longer had a place where I could edit new pictures or download them. Almost at the same time as digital camera packed it if jeering..." don't need a place to edit your pictures...because you won't have any". A friend once called this sort of thing..."the innate malice of inanimate objects" which could be added..."bad things come in bunches". being stalemated for days...I'm happy to report...that last night I found a way of getting my file on which I edit... back...and edited the picture I've posted today. Whenever I am able to solve one of the road blocks that come up when you're using a computer and its programs...without crying out for help...I get a pleasant feeling...that comes out of whatever measure of self sufficiency I've achieved...especially to do with the frequent puzzles computers confront me with. May these difficulties happen less frequently...and when they do...
may I continue to find answers that keep me flowing onwards..........Quester.