Songs Of Many Colours
Before anyone gets's picture is of a sidewalk mannequin in my hood.
I try to keep my YouTube channel peaceful...[the"let peace begin with me" idea].
So...I'm not likely to stand idly by...if viewers were to use the comments space...under my be "rude" or "crude". I far...I have a high
tolerance level...for just about any other response flavour...even if it could be
classified as "dumb". Sometimes...there are comments...that are not "dumb"...but...
perhaps..."overly helpful". On one of my "sad" songs...part of a wide variety of
categories...a song maker worth his salt...has to probe in his very
helpful viewer...exhorted me to "breathe"...more than a comment posted to
the video in question...the inference seeming to be...some deep breathing...would push
away...the "shadows" hanging over the song. Somehow...this struck my funny bone...given the great helpful urgency in the comment...was triggered by a song...I actually wrote...over fifteen years ago...after which time...believe it or not...I
have thankfully...continued to breathe...up to this day...that I am posting this entry. When I stand back...from being tickled...I can see that this piece of advice...
likely...comes from a spirit of helpfulness...and I do appreciate that. I look creating around...what is real to me at the it sad...or joyful
...or expressing any of the shades in between. I am also thankful...that people are
interested respond to my songs of many colours.............Quester.