Song Maker And Poet Choices
Sang three songs at a poetry gathering last night. Sometimes...when I'm asked to be
the musical person performing on a poetry night...I have a bit of a dilemma...given
I'm also a poet. For such a's as if I never wrote a I sing songs
I've created...instead...while I am surrounded by poets. It's a strange feeling...but
I am glad that I can perform in either idiom. Being a song maker...and a poet...has
always presented me with one challenge or another. I started writing poems...not too
long after I started writing songs. My songs took precedence over my poems...for the
longest I made my first albums of songs...and did concerts with my songs
to the fore...and my poems nowhere to be seen. After years of things unfolding this way...I made a conscious bring a few of my poems...into my concert performances. Eventually...I published books of poetry...and then started appearing
at performances...having to wean myself away...from the crutch of having my guitar
to help me through my public performances. At was very difficult to go on
stage...with just a book in my hand to read time...I got used to it.
For me...these days...reading poetry at a public a much easier thing
to do...than having to command the notes I'm singing...interpret the song...
accompany myself on guitar...and make all the different things I'm doing at the same
time...come a flowing unity. So...I should just be glad
...that last night...for one more time...I was able to deliver on this...and let
the lesser challenge...for me...of reading poems rest...until another night.......................Quester.